wow this looks super fun! my friend keeps telling me to play this! this could be the next big mini game hit!
I really like the idea for this map. Its different compared to most mini games, which makes it a good map. Quick question tho. Are the Propane tanks set on instant respawn or a set respawn?
Dang this has been out for months and only has 1000 dls? My map has been out for a week and a half and it has 2101 dls. Well anyways this is a good and fum minigame map,its really easy for the himans to die though.
Thanks! Thanks. The propane are set to respawn after ten seconds. On instant respawn, usually the other propane tanks blow eachother up some how, i dunno. Hey, American, STFU. Lol, jk. But seriously, I challenge you to make a minigame map that gets at least 1000 dls. Its harder than it looks. See, there are generally about 8 people or less viewing the minigame section, while over at the competitive map section there are generally like at least 20 people viewin. So, obviously, a good map in competeitive maps will get a lot more comments than a good map in the minigame section. This is not because the competitive one is better, it is that more people are checking it out then they check out minigames. So, STFU and stop bragging. Lol. And thanks. Its only easy for humans to do If you suck.
Hi. I played it and it was fun until we found some flaws with it. I found that you can stand on the small ledge on the wall between the zombies and humans. You can also stand on top of the man cannon. And last, you turn pink.... Very unique idea though. Would like to see an updated version.
Sounds kinda like garbage boy, looks cool though. I like how you made a game that uses torpedo launchers ha!
Hey Flawless. Yea I made a V2 that fixed all these problems. I havnt posted it yet because, A) I'm lazy, and B) Nobody has really complained about it. If you have someone cheap like that eventually youl get him. Just keep wackin them torps.