nice map, and i know you have like, a million comments already and this probably won't mean much, but i think your map is great and fun to play, i like being the zombies and getting any form of triple/overkill/ whateverkill on it
Thanks DrAyMeHr! Honestly, The comment you left was one of the few that means the most. You told me what you liked about the map and gave detailed feedback rather than "nice map" which doesnt really help me. So thank you! Thanks a lot!
I'm sorry to say matt, but I broke the map. I can post it here if you want me to, or I could PM you. NOw I feel bad, cuz I like your map...
hahah gobbles, its alrite. I knew this day would come. Actually, I'm surprised nobody found out how yet. I made a V2 that fixed a lot of mistakes but i never released it. Could you PM it to me then?
ZOMFG DIS M4P IZ TEH PWNZORZ ROFLOLMAO jk awesome idea. I always wondered if any1 would ever find a use for propane. well done, you not only found a use, but executed it beautifully as well.