Tor Piiri

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by NONE YA BIZNUS, Sep 30, 2012.


    NONE YA BIZNUS Promethean

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    Tor Piiri is a map that I designed specifically for one flag CTF (preferably with DMR's), and is my submission to the Flag Reset forge contest.

    It is a fairly large map, with an ideal player count of 8-12 players. It consists of three main lanes, one in the middle, and one on either side. (I know, the originality here is just astounding) So here is the general overview of the map, highlighting the more important places:


    The middle lane is naturally the highest traffic, but shortest route to the flag. It is essentially central "hub" building with one bridge going to each spawn, and another to the side. In this building spawns a grenade launcher, which is a pretty useful tool for the attacking side. However, it spawns neutrally, so it is a worthwhile target for the initial push on both teams. Also, the sniper rifle spawns outside the building on the ground level, also a useful tool, especially for defense. Anyway, here is the core of the map:


    The flag spawns here, in the little platform just to the side of the defending entrance to the middle building:


    The right flank is a good secondary path. Its most notable interest is the ghost, which is a great way to suppress the opposite team. It has limited access to the upper area of the map, in a way that makes it a little bit more useful to the defenders, but still effective for the attackers. Other than that, this flank is a good way to hit the defenders from the side or the rear, as one path leads to their initial spawn, and another to the side of the flag spawn. Here is what it looks like:



    On the opposite side of the map is what I like to call, "The Long way." This flank features a long path with lots of cover for the attackers, as well as a jump up to behind the flag to make a quick grab and run. However, it is a pretty roundabout route, and I've only seen it used as a last resort if the attackers can't push through the other two flanks. But it does also have some defensive value. From the farthest path, there lies an excellent line of sight into the middle building. If you are a defender and you have a sniper, I highly recommend bringing it here to cover the central lane. It is not without a weakness though, as the attackers could easily use the ghost-side flank. Unfortunately, this is the best picture I have of it, showing only the final area, leading into the defenders' spawn:


    And last but not least, there is the attackers' spawn, and the bridge from there leading into the middle building:



    That is all I have to say about this map, please comment, download, play, and enjoy! If you don't enjoy it, I would really appreciate a comment with constructive criticism.
  2. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
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    I love this maps aesthetics. It gives off a very halo 3-like vibe (which is great). I think the layout looks perfect for 1 flag. It looks like their are many ways to get into the base, to get the flag. In my opinion, it's one of the better asymmetrical maps I've ever seen.
  3. SimmonsZore

    SimmonsZore Promethean

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    A very well stand alone map. This is a first where you can drive around with out too little or too much space. the game plays very well and like Minionsaid gives of that Halo 3 feeling that we all know and love.
    Great Job
  4. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
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    Feel like there should be mongeese on the map so if the attackers are well planed out they can push for the flag or go and grab mongoose first.

    How ever if the defenders make a push towards mongoose while attackers are pushing flag it becomes a very domminant power weapon. chew on that for a bit why dont ya :p

    NONE YA BIZNUS Promethean

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    Actually I did consider vehicles like that for a while, and the first playable version of this map included a defending warthog, and an attacking ghost. However, through testing, I realized that this really isn't the kind of map that a vehicle that carries multiple people would work to well. Most of the gameplay goes on in the middle building, a place where the defenders could just park their warthog and tear up the attackers with the turret. So, I decided that I would focus on infantry gameplay assisted by a single, neutral ghost. And as for a neutral mongoose, it would be useless to the defenders because they don't really have to travel that far to get to the best areas for defending. It would also be over powered if the attackers got hold of it. All they need to do is bring it around the long way, grab the flag, and drive it back the long way, and they would face almost no resistance, because it is very difficult for the defenders to catch up with the attackers using that route, even without a mongoose.

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