Topaz Recommended players: 2 - 4 Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Assault, King of the Hill This is my first post! This is a completely symmetric small map consisting of two bases in the skybubble set up for all game variants for 2-4 players. There is a great amount of cover throughout the map. Weapons are evenly distributed around the map to encourage movement throughout the map. Weapons: 4 Battle Rifles 2 Needlers 1 Sniper Rifle 2 Pistols 2 Assault Rifles 2 Plasma Pistols 4 Plasma Grenades 2 Frag Grenades 2 Bubble Shields Pictures Layout of the Blue base Layout of the Red base Front view of the Blue base Front view of the Red base Center view of Topaz Side view of Topaz Complete overview of Topaz Download Here
This looks like a really asthetic map... It looks really well made and quite fun to play on... one of my concerns is that is would be too open which it looks like from the pictures... once I forge through it i'll find out though... It reminds me of another map that I can't quite put a name too for some reason... oh well for now 4/5 =)
This looks like a fairly decent first post you got, dnalloH5. The asthetics looks fairly good like the grand obelisk arch and the center and bases, and at least you know how to interlock. I'm unsure of weapon placement... by that I mean I have no clue what weapons are on the map. Add a description of your map to the top of your post as well as a weapon list. I'm also guessing it's compatable with all gametypes. I'm worried about cover on this map. Did you put enough? I don't know, I'll try and test if I can, I've been very busy. If you havent hit the OLN, try deleting the 3 blocks under the bridges to the ramp sides, then adding some more cover to the side ramp platforms or the center or something. It might be fine with little cover, but in my sightful opinion I think you might need more. I hope you're good with spawns, because with the sniper you could easily span kill people, I'll look into that. I'll be back to review your map if I delete some maps and have the time to test, I'm just busy studying for exams and stufflike that. Yeah. But I'd say asthetically... this is semi-win. 4.5 for looks, will try and get back to you with gameplay. Keep forging! -Dylan
Thanks, I feel that the spawns are sufficiently placed as well as the weapon placement. As for the cover, the Wall Half pieces I interlocked together are perfect size for cover (I call it "Spartan Sized").
Very good job on this map. I can tell you put a lot of effort in it and took your time on the arches and all of the aesthetics as well. Awesome map
Hmmm, I think thats a little bit to small. Maybe its good for 1vs1 but for 2vs2 it dont works good. you good do a version 2 and this time a little bit bigger.
I think that this map is perfectly suited for 2 v 2. The size helps create fast-paced competitive action!