Top Fifteen Greatest Games

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Twilight, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. Twilight

    Twilight Ancient
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    This was a top 15 games list made by myself and a friend. My friend wrote it, and we decided on the games and their placement. feel free to make your own Top 15, or just tell us what's wrong with ours.

  2. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    Seriously though, I cna see were your choices come from.

    My top 10 list (in order of awesomeness):
    1. The legend of Zelda series, specifically Oot
    2. The halo series
    3. Morrowind & Oblivion
    4. Anything by Bioware (KOTOR, Mass effect, Jade empire)
    5. Battlefront series
    6. Fallout 3
    7. Team fortress series
    8. Super smash brothers series
    9. Pokemon handheld games
    10. Portal
  3. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Both of your lists are flawed, there is no runescape.

    Not but seriously my top 10 would be:
    1. Halo Series
    2. Gta 3 - San Andreas (At the time I enjoyed this more than Saints row but today, SR)
    3. Time Splitters 2 (Only one I had)
    4. Saints row series
    5. Tales of Symphonia
    6. Fallout 3
    7. CoD4, WaW sucks choad
    8.Team Buddies (Look it up if you want to know)
    9.Crash Bandicoot series, actually just the first 3
    10. Guild Wars
  4. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Oohhh fun!

    1. Halo Series
    2. CoD Series
    3. Final Fantasy Series
    4. Warcraft Series (not WoW)
    5. KoToR Series
    6. Fable Series
    7. Gears of War Series
    8. Pokemon Series
    9. Super Smash Bros Series
    10. Elder Scrolls Series (Morrowind/Oblivion)

    I like series of games.
  5. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    Your forgetting the other elder scroll games, Arena, Daggerfall, Battlespire, and Redguard, are all part of the elder scrolls series. They all suck too.

    Morrowind and Oblivion are waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy better.
  6. Chubbly911

    Chubbly911 Ancient
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    Top 10:

    10. Peggle Dual Shot
    9. Super Mario Sunshine
    8. Super Mario Galaxy
    7. Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
    6. Jak 2
    5. War of the Monsters
    4. Jak 3
    3. Pokemon Yellow
    2. Kingdom Hearts
    1. Halo 3
  7. Taco Bell

    Taco Bell Ancient
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    I almost entirely agree with this list. I see you like N64 games lots as the same with me. Paper Mario would be higher on my list though.
  8. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Top 10

    Super Smash Brothers
    Halo 2
    Halo 3
    James Bond Nightfire
    Sonic Adventure 1
    Sonic Adventure 2
    Shenmu 1
    Shenmu 2
    Worms (Dreamcast version)
    Gears of war 1

    These were the games I had most fun moments playing ever.
  9. Yogurt

    Yogurt Ancient
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    Awesome lists! Let me give it a go...

    10. Medal of Honor: European Assault < I know its a strange choice, but it was the first World War 2 game that I played, and the campaign did not disappoint. This was back when MoH didn't suck.
    9. Halo Wars < The game is slowly climbing. I honestly did not think it could be done, but then again, I was wrong.
    8. 007: Nightfire < This game pretty much introduced me to FPS.
    7. Portal < Excellent puzzle FPS with amazing mind-bombs!
    6. Super Mario 64 < Not to brag, but just a couple of months ago me and my friend got 100 stars in one night. Ya, you know it.
    5. Team Fortress 2 < THE only game that is balanced to perfection.
    4. Half-Life 2, ep.1, ep.2 < Epic with the best developped story I have seen in a videogame.
    3. LoZ: Ocarina of Time < Revolutionary game for nintendo. If I had the chance, I would play it again and again.
    2. Call of Duty 4 < VERY addicting multiplayer and epic campaign.
    1. Halo 3 < Easily. There is no contest for me.

    Could easily be substituted; I'm a bit edgy for my 7-10 choices.
  10. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Hm....tough one but this is my list:

    1. Halo 3
    2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    3. Call of Duty 4
    4. Super Smash Bros.
    5. Left 4 Dead
    6. Mario Party
    7. Pokemon Red & Blue
    8. Portal
    9. Mario Kart
    10. Stronghold: Crusader
  11. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    1: Metal Gear solid 2: Sons of Liberty
    2: Metal Gear solid 4: Guns of the patriots
    3: Elder scrolls IV oblivion
    4: Call of Duty (the first one on PC)
    5: Virtua Tennis 3
    6: Rainbow 6 las vegas
    7: Call of duty 4 Modern Warfare
    8: Crash Bandicoot
    9: Colin McRae DiRT
    10: Fallout 3

    - Grand theft auto is bloody awful.
  12. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Not in any specific order:
    1. Morrowind
    2. Halo
    3. Portal
    4. MGS4
    5. Starcraft
    6. Oblivion
    7. Paper Mario
    8. Mario 64
    9. Super Smash Bros
  13. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I can't really decide on an order, so I'll do a few of my favourite games:

    Super Smash Bros Braw:
    What can I say, it's a fun game where everytone can play. And it has Sonic in it.

    Sonic Adventure 2: Battle:
    The best of the best for 3D Sonic games, and the high-point of the series.

    Sonic 2: Best. 2d game. EVER. Everythign about this game is just amazing.

    However, my favourite game of all time is:

    Seriously, everythign about this game is phenomenal, from the tracks to the weapons.
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    15) Hogs of War. It was like worms, but in 3D. I never completed this game, I couldn't get past the last mission. Oh well.

    14) Crash Bandicoot 2. My favourite one besides CTR. I was only playing it a few minutes ago out of nostalgia. Very good game.

    13) Gran Turismo. The first driving game I ever played apart from Toca 1. The only thing that pissed me off was that I couldn't get my A license. I did manage to glitch out of a map when I had a race with my friend when we were both in very heavily enhanced cars (mine had 930hp from 276hp). I rammed him nd drove up him and fell off the track and just fell forever. Lol?

    12) The Sims 1. Not the Sims 2 because it refuses to work on my laptop for no specific reason (The specs all exceed the recommended levels, and my laptop plays other PC games, and it's graphics card is good enough to run a capture card). But The Sims 1 had awesome expansions and was just an all-round unique game.

    11) Roller Coaster Tycoon series. The first game I ever wanted, but couldn't have. I had to wait three years until we got a PC good enough to play it. But it was worth it, even then.

    10) Dead Rising. Oh the fun! Sandbox + Zombies = win! The story does drag on a bit if you play through to overtime though. And the controls were jagged as hell! Still awesome though

    9) Halo Wars. Never played an RTS game before, and I love it. It may not be the best, but it's the best I've played. The story is good, but the sound recordings are amateur in places.

    8) Burnout 3. The graphics weren't amazing and the game was unreal, but it was just so fun! And I owned at this game too! I once got $1.7 million crash damage score on a crash junction, which made the top 100 in the world for a short time. I'm not usually good at games, so fate evened it out by making me suck **** at Burnout Paradise

    7) Forza Motorsport 2. Gran Turismo was good, and I thought this was just a substitute for GT5, but it's so much more. The telemetry is so advanced and the physics are amazing. I'll have accuracy, advanced physics and telemetry and a better online than good graphics any day. The soundtrack is a bit chavvy though.

    6) Gears of War. This game was the first game I ever played online. It was fun and had that wow factor that you didn't get in other games. The cover sytem and blindfiring were groundbreaking and the satisfaction of getting a blindfire snipe was amazing. It's a shame about the exploits and glitches that came with this groundbreaking engine. And the exaggerated gore was funny too.

    5) Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. If it had an online, I would still be playing it now. It's amazingly good even if the story isn't the best out of all of the GTA's.
    =) GTA IV. Everything wrong with the old GTAs is fixed in this one. Shame about the lack of planes, which impacts the fun. But Lost & Damned pulls the fun higher again.

    4) Call of Duty 4. I never owned this game and I wasn't very good at it, but the story was very fun and the modern side really appealed to me. It's a shame the online was full of a bunch of twats.

    3) Gears of War 2. This game is like a film and is extremely good to play. The replay factor is really only supported by the achievements, but horde is very fun and trying to get Seriously 2.0 is a challenge that supports the game's addictive side.

    2) Crash Team Racing. I don't care if it copied Mario, Mario was on the Nintendo. This was awesome fun, and the only game that I have truly completed 100%

    1) Halo 3. I have never played a game that even tries to be as good as Halo 3 is. If it weren't for the few faults with forge and the odd bit of lag, Bungie would have created the perfect game. I bought the Xbox 360 solely for this game, and the many other exclusives. I'll never buy a PS3 unless they make a better game than Halo 3 IMO. If I'd have known about Halo CE and Halo 2, I would have never bought a PS2 either. I will never have to regret again if I keep my eyes open to the opportunities.

    Sorry for that wall of text, I couldn't think of them all at once. And notice how more than half of these are 360-exclusives. My purchase is justified.
  15. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    I can see what lead you to that i peson love some of those games but i think they really don't deserve to be on that list.
  16. cyberwaste6996

    cyberwaste6996 Ancient
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    Mine are also in no specific order...

    Super Mario Bros 3 - From the music to the levels it's just perfect Mario.

    Mortal Kombat 2 - My favorite characters levels and fatalities.

    Final Fantasy VII - The game that single-handidly cause me to fail 9th grade....and I'm quite serious.

    Resident Evil 3 - When I was little this game messed me up when I realized the Nemisis could follow you through doors.

    Mario Kart 64 - Had many a late night with friends playin this.

    The Legend of Zelda OoT - Beat this game more than ten times.

    Sniper Elite - Being a fan of sniping this is a no brainer.

    Silent Hill 2 - To this day my favorite horror themed game. The storyline was just twisted.

    Resident Evil 4 - Regenerators are probably the creepiest enemies ever.

    Metal Gear Solid 4 - Most epic game ever. The final fight using the different HUD's and music from the other MGS's was perfect.

    Call of Duty 4 - Loved the urban middle eastern setting.

    The Bourne Conspiracy - By no means the best game around, but I feel it's one of the best movie games I've played.

    Gears of War 2 - Nothing says fun like shoving a chainsaw in somebodies back.

    F.E.A.R. - This game just flat out creeped me out.

    Left 4 Dead - Really fun.
  17. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Oh **** forgot about those me and my friends loved to play those games and I forgot one other classic game:

    Team Buddies. If I still had it I would be playing it right now.
  18. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    My top 15 games in no order, since I couldn't put them in an order, would have to be the following:

    Super Smash Bros Melee-Only Melee, not just because I'm good at it, but because they really ****ed up Brawl.

    Metal Gear Solid Series- Greatest sneaking/action game with twisted plot ever.

    Perfect Dark- First FPS I've ever played other than Goldeneye. I played them both in the same day and I enjoyed Perfect Dark much more.

    Killer Instinct- It introduced me to the "fighting" genera. I then went and played mortal combat which I still hate to today and others like Bloody Roar and Dead or Alive which I love.

    Halo Series- If you're on this site and you don't have this this game as a favorite, I politely ask you to leave and let the door hit your ass on the way out.

    Mario Series- Not all of them but the ones that I enjoyed when I was younger.

    Forza Series- Yes, it may be realistic racing, but I enjoy stuff like that.

    Need for Speed Series- And this if for my fix of non-realistic racing.

    Resident Evil Series- Mostly RE4. It was the most innovative RE game in history.

    Diablo Series- Diablo was and still is fun to me and a lot of my friends.

    Katamari Damacy Series- It's Japanese, meaning that the day it was made it was pure awesome. Seriouly, go play it once and then try to put it down.

    Guirar Hero Series- I've beaten 1-3 on expert. I would be lieing if I said I didn't like them.

    Elder Scrolls: Oblivion- Massively awesome FPS RPG with ungodly amounts of fun, laughs, and a great challenge to boot. Not to mention it takes days to complete if you're not touching the main quest.

    Age of Empires- Best RTS I've played in my life. Also was the first.

    Megaman Series- I may sound like DMan by saying this, but I played and (painfully) beat mostly every Megaman game known to the U.S. Megaman 1-9, Megaman X-X8, Megaman Zero 1-3, Megaman Battle Network Series, and Megaman Legends 1 and 2. Forgive me if I forgot any, but that is easily over 20 games right there... Oh, I almost forgot to include the Megaman Xtreme and Xtreme 2 for Gameboy. I beat both of those on the hardest difficulty also.

    Although I ran out of room, I forgot to mention Sonic. Another favorite series of mine.
  19. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    YES! Gimme yo IGN nao!


    Top 5 (because i couldnt think of 10)

    5. Gears of war games
    4. Halo Games
    3. Street Fighter series (Capcom vs SNK2 was great aswell)
    2. Mass Effect (Just love this sucker)
    1. Valve Games (Couldn't pick, from Half Life, to CSS, to DOD:S, and others)

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Nintendo is the best gaming company, get over it. Halo 3 isn't that great.

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