Over the next few months, I will be checking out maps from all over the community. You can recommend maps to me or send me messages to check you out. I will get a list of the top 300 forgers I can find. There will then be forge offs. Yes, I repeat, forge offs. You will not be able to get in the top 50 by stealing others maps and showing them to me because if I can SEE that you can't forge, I know you aren't a true forger and will disqalified from the contest. It will all come down to the top 50 forgers. They must be active, cool, and ofcourse, good at forging. Why you might ask? Because I am tired of the same old maps and custom games out there. With a list of the top 50 forgers, you will be checking out their file shares for something cool or new. This will end up becoming an unofficial clan called T50F( Top 50 Forgers). There will also be a list for the retired members that were unable to play Halo anymore or was done forging after contributing a lot to the forging and custom games society. The rules will be simple for the forge offs. Everyone will be divided into groups of 3. I will give them a theme and they will forge to the best of their ability. Yes, it will mostly on the spot. The judges will judge to find the best forger, the second best forger, and the worst forger in each group of 3. If all 3 of them seem to be really good, the judges might take all 3 of them and if they all seem bad or 2 of them seem bad, the judges might take none or maybe 1. After we are done with this, we will have 200 people remaining. We will have 50 groups of 4. This is where paper judging will come in. You will be based on a scale of 100 points. Top 50 scorers will be our top 50 forgers. Good luck everyone. BTW, my gamertag is TS2H SasoriCuch. (There will be chances to bump other players from this clan)
As these two said. To say the least, you're obviously very new here, and I'm willing to go out on a limb (more like a ****ing jet engine turbine) and say that this won't get too far. You might as well at least A:Show your activity here, or Bost some high quality maps.
Who will the judges be? How will you possibly manage to get 300 of the best forgers to join this group of yours? If 300 forgers are about to have these forge face-offs, about how long will these face-offs take? When do new members get to join this clan of yours? Even IF you manage to get 50 of the best forgers into one clan... What happens then? Are other good forgers outside of this clan just merely pushed away? That's all... for now.
I don't think he put enough thought into this to answer any of your questions guys. Pretty sure this needs a lock for sheer stupidity. Any posts beyond this are probably spam anyway.