1. Halo 3 2. Resident Evil 4 3. Halo: Combat Evolved 4. Final Fantasy XII 5. Paper Mario 6. Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal 7. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 8. Metroid Prime 9. Final Fantasy X 10. Gears of War Tough list to make, these games get re-arranged almost every time I make this list. =P But its always the same games.
For the multiplayer, yes. Playing Team Slayer with friends is very fun. And obviously I enjoy forge a great deal. Its called an opinion, respect it.
Ever or this year? Assuming this year... Bioshock The Orange Box Gears of War (not the best, but fun for me) Mass Effect CoD4 (I only have a X360 so that's my list)
this is ever, by his post it seems for me, i always have trouble listing them, but #1 is obviously ocarina of time for me, im a huge zelda fan...obviously ---V
Opinions should never be respected, only tolerated. Here's what my list would be: 1. Super Mario Bros 3 2. StarCraft 3. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door / Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars 4. Halo 1 (SP) / Halo 3 (MP) 5. Megaman (1-6) / Megaman X (1-5) 6. F.E.A.R. 7. The Legend Of Zelda: Link to the Past 8. Diablo II 9. Super Smash Bros Melee 10. Resident Evil (4 only)
I only limit my Top games lists to my favorite franchises. and in no particular order Halo GTA Mario Metroid Star Wars Battlefront/Republic Commando and some others I can't think of at the moment .... but i'm oldschool.
1. Sonic (any and all ) 2. Halo (trilogy) 3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 4. Super Smash Brothers: Melee 5. Mortal Kombat 6. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 7. Oblivion 8. Mario Kart 9. Katamari (all) 10. Final Fantasy VII No particular order after 3
1.) Call Of Duty 4 2.) Guitar Hero 3 3.) Halo 3 4.) Ninety Nine Nights 5.) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 6.) Psi-Ops 7.) Mass Effect 8.) Shadowrun 9.) Super Smash Brothers Melee 10.) Crackdown
NCAA Football 06 number 1 (a sports fans opinion), then the Halo's, then Guitar Hero, and then any other sports game.
1.Resident evil 4 2.halo 3.ocrena of time 4. tetris. 5.tecmo bowl. 6.half life. 7. marvel vs capcom 8.golden eye 9.counter strike 10.doom
In no rank order: *Doom 2 *Star Fox 64 *Goldeneye 007 *Final Fantasy VII *Return to Castle Wolfenstein *Baldurs Gate *Half-life *The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind *Halo 2 *Halo 3 10 is a bit restrictive, I wept (not really) at leaving out Mario Cart 64, System Shock, Divine Divinity (lol) and X3: Reunion.
Here are my top ten favorite games, I took advantage of ties to add extra games to the list. 1. Forza Motorsport 2 2. Splinter Cell (any) 3. Far Cry: Instincts 4. Call of Duty 2 5 (tie). Quake 3 5 (tie). Bioshock 5 (tie). Gears of War 6. Portal 7. Halo 3 8. Halo: Combat Evolved 9. Half Life 2 10. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time