Hi Guys N Gals Thanks for all your interest in my previous map, I have created a new original map Too Close For Comfort This is not the most clear of pics but this is the clearest wide angle screeny of the two bases. Covenent Base 3 entrances 4 exit's Attacking and Defencive fun! I will be posting further pics better angles and action scenes, I find the theatre mode will not upload all sreenshots when taken which is annyoing so this is what i was left to work into this post. I hope you give it a go i have put a lot of effort in here and this have be throughly tested with 10 peeps over Live. at the moment this is only set to CTF matches but can be updated if wanted. I promise action at a high standard!. If you have any feedback i will be sure to take it on board and will supply newer improved screenshots asap. Thanks & Regards Joe