This is my first Halo 3 map post. It's a remake of the Tombstone from Halo 2 enjoy Download:Halo 3 File Details Good for Sniper Team slayer Weapons 12 Battle Rifles 1 Shotgun 1 Sniper 2 SMG 2 Plasma Rifles 1 Needler 1 Brute Shot 1 Rocket Lancher 1 Energy Sword 2 Plasma 2 Frag 1 Oversheild 1 Active Camo
Looks like an accurate remake dude congrats, just a few bitchy points though, you might wanna take the pictures out of forge as those blue lines are already pissing me off lol and get some savage action shots in there aswell as this will draw people into downloading aswell! :~} Nice work
Ummmm...I love how you've made a remake, and it's glorious, but the original map was called Hang 'Em High, it was on Halo1, so...yeah...You've made a remake of a remake...awesome. The map looks great, although I can't see many of the weapons, but it still looks great for team slayer. 4/5
@Bobguy Yes, origionaly it was in Halo1, you are correct, however it was remade as tombstone in Halo2. The map looks good, I'm dling now to look at it and see what i think before I post more.
this is pretty sweet, although i dont have this map yet, how did you block off the outside parts of it? thats kinda cool
wow, nice recreation of tombstone. it was one of my favorite halo 2 maps, nice use of the crypt by the way. it's a good idea posting this, it helps i guess for a fuller detailed view of what there is on sandbox. otherwise very nice job, good recreation, and i will dl this tomorrow.
This map looks to be a promising remake of Hang Em' High, although I have a few gripes about it: - Out of all the pictures, I only see one respawn point, so there might not be enough on the map to even be considered Competitive. - Although the map has mimicked Hang em' High's geometry almost exactly, I see very little interlocking. This isn't really as huge problem to me, but alot of people here with complain about that. - To add a little more aesthetics to it, I would suggest using different colored pillars for the bases (rather than just blue) and maybe add some of those newfangled dynamic lights to make your map prettier. *No rating or download, as I do not own the mythic maps yet.*
Dam I was planning on doing this owell nice job. You should post some pics of the original tombstone to show how well it matches up. heres some i found try to recreate this pic
Great for your first post. It is a nice remake. I do like the fact that you took advantage of the new sandbox forge items. I like the fact it is in the crypt. Not many maps down there. Nice way to make do with it. So overall5/5 no improvements needed.
Great detail great use of the red/ blue blocks because their orange and on tombstone. I also really like that you made it look like the containers on that map. 5/5 Great replication. =)
There are something that shold be interlocked like the sword spawn area. I will try it out when I get home but im sure you can fix it up a bit
Well if you noticed, I only said it looked to be a promising remake, aside from a few of the gripes I had about it.
The remake was alright, except I could tell you didn't play test it. One of the platforms don't even spawn in right when the game starts and leads to kinda screws gameplay up near the rocket launcher spawn area. Can you pm me if you ever fix it?
God, most of the sandbox maps I've seen are remakes, and fantastic ones at that. This is no exception. Great job! This looks like a slightly minimized version of Tombstone. Very accurate, but I can't see the spawn points, apart from one. Try adding more. 8/10.