So, I just checked my email and I was one of the lucky 5,000 people who received a beta code for signing up a few months back. Did anyone else happen to get lucky? Code hidden (of course) =)
You'll have to tell us what that games like after you play the demo. No-one else will able to! I'll be intrigued to know because I'm not really much of a fan of Tom Clancy's games. I just don't like how they play. I think they did this sort of thing for COD:WaW too.
You are a very lucky man Enjoy your BETA. Make sure you tell us all about how great or awful that game is. Im curious as to how well the voice commands will hold up to be honest.
Though I am not too into the Tom Clancy things, that is awesome that you recieved the code! But definitely tell us how good or bad it is! I need a new game and this one sounds pretty awesome
What have you been smoking? CoD:WaW is a completly different genre! How can they do the same thing for a completly different genre? On topic, when you do play it, please tell me if the voice controls have a 'flanking' option or if you have to do it yourself.
After beating the single-player mission End War offers (only 10 minutes) and playing quite a few multiplayer matches, I can honestly say this game is amazing. I'm not only saying that because of the voice commanding (although it contributes), but because of how it plays out. The graphics are impressive, and I didn't encounter any frame rate issues or loading stalls. The combat is balanced, and the firing rate isn't random (I like that). Also, unlike many RTS's, you can't traverse the whole map, only the area in which your units are to prevent finding the enemy too easily. Now, onto the voice commanding. Those who have mics should get this! Why? Because, there is so many recognizable commands (1000+) that you could practically say what you want and your battalion will listen to you. I don't how it works, seeing how people have high/low voices, but it's impressive. Multiplayer maps are huge!!! Hell, I give it a 9/10, and that's good coming from me. =)
First, End War is an RTT. The map thing is common place for RTTs. Second, is there a 'flank' voice command or do you have to do it yourself?
You could argue the RTS/RTT genre but never mind that. You could practically say anything you like Telrad, so yes.