Toadz & Toadettez In the hole

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Stevo, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    You stickied your own thread...?
  2. IMyEndI

    IMyEndI Forerunner

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    This map was really fun to test, and even moar fun to actually play in.
    Keep churning 'em out guys :D
  3. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    The FHF is going to be posted soon. The results are up in forge discussion. He stuck the winners a little early.

    Glad you enjoyed it. I'm sure we'll keep workin at some more stuff.
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    hahaha I LOL'd my **** off at this!!!!!!

    Jeeez Darth, I'm not that corrupt!!! :D

    Yeah, it was a winner in the FHF voting, so it gets stickied for 2 weeks as a reward. It's on a timed sticky, so it'll come down automatically when it needs to.

    Jake: Not early.. I could have stuck them yesterday dinner time if i wanted to, I just didn't have time to do all the extra work like set up the nominations, write the article, check links etc etc..
  5. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Haha, okay yeah I figured you werent that corrupt. Congrats then!
  6. Negrumir

    Negrumir Forerunner

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    Sweet, so I'm not the only one who has made a map with Shrooms in it.
    I love the idea, definitely gonna have to get my friends to try this.

    What's the difference between Toadz and Toadettez? You said multiple flags for Toadettez but uh... So it's an insane speedpile variant right? How does it not work right for one? I is confuzzled.

    Once again, sweet idea. I hope they keep adding new options so people can make new awesome modes like this.
  7. Xtermin8R645

    Xtermin8R645 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Props for the super-original idea, man. I love these kinds of maps that are kinda elimination-style, even more when it involves snipers. Nice map.
  8. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Toadz In the Hole


    A mini-game's main purpose is to provide players with an enjoyable experience. Toadz In the Hole does just that for the casual-minded player. As with most mini-games, Toadz in the Hole is best enjoyed with a large amount of players. Games with smaller parties are not nearly as entertaining.

    Toadz in the Hole features two teams, one on defense and one on offense. On offense, players (the Toadz) man vehicles then launch themselves off a mancannon in the hopes that they can score by landing in the hole, hence the name, Toadz in the Hole. On defense, players use their arsenal of focus rifles and sniper rifles to try and shoot down the human projectiles before they can score. While continuously denying the Toadz from scoring can be quite entertaining, it is not nearly as fun to be the defenseless Toad soaring through the air, waiting for the inevitable sniper round to the head. It seems that the only reliable option the Toadz have at their disposal to score is to overwhelm the defenders with their sheer numbers, and that requires coordination that is not always present amongst teammates.

    Overall, Toadz In the Hole is an enjoyable mini-game, but there still are noticeable problems with some of the game's components. Being a Toad simply is not fun. Players on this team will have difficulty forming strategies since there are very few tactical options. While playing defense may be entertaining for a while, continuously shooting the hapless Toadz out of the sky can become a bit repetitive.



    This category has been written by RAWR2010

    Overall the balance is slightly one sided. The Toadz are easily capable of spawn killing the defenders while his friends score points as found out to the player's dismay custom games. It would be best to remove the jet-packs as they allow the attackers to just leave a flag on the rock ledge, go back and get a new one while one of his friends scores it for him. But otherwise this map is pretty well balanced and the addition of the sniper rifle in the castle was a good idea, as when the player is not abusing with a jetpack. Another point is the fact that the offenders can overshoot the colliseum when the players aren't shot by the defenders. With the addition of rocks, Toadz In the Hole could be more balanced.



    Toadz in the Hole very effectively uses kill barriers to prevent players from escaping the map. The map is completely inescapable, even when players are aided by the use of jetpacks. There are, however, durability issues inside the playable area of the map. Due to the angle of the mancannon Toadz sometimes will overshoot the coliseum and hit the walls surrounding the area, effectively preventing themselves from scoring. While this may be part of the game, it is frustrating to have the map mechanics deny players from scoring instead of the opposing players.



    The aesthetics on Toadz in the Hole are very well done. The most noticeable aesthetic piece is the castle, and a lot of attention was obviously paid towards making this area as eye appealing as possible. The interior of the castle, or the Toadz spawning room, is embellished with many very colorful objects. The color of these objects is randomized every round, which is a very nice aesthetic touch. The exterior of the castle features a catapult, and while it has no functionality, it still nicely adds to the aesthetic flavor of the map.

    As for the defenders spawn, well designed aesthetic pieces are present here as well. Multiple mushrooms made of rock encompass the spawn, and a campsite composed of a tent and fire add tot already impressive aesthetics on the map. On a more unsophisticated note, a pair of buttocks are constructed from circular ramps, and a suggestive line of sandbags is included in the area. While obviously made in jest, this aesthetic touch greatly detracts from the map’s professionalism. In spite of this crude feature, the aesthetics throughout Toadz in the Hole are very appealing.



    Toadz in the Hole is an extremely innovative map in the sub-genre of mini-games. Toadz utilizes the stockpile game mode in a way that has not been done in any other mini-game. Due to this fact the game provides players with a completely unique experience, which is part of the reason why it is so enjoyable.

    Toadz in the Hole draws its inspiration from Toadstool, a minor character in the Mario video game series. Importing characters and themes from other games into Reach is a very unique concept, and as Toadz in the Hole proves, provides players with quite an enjoyable experience.


    Rating Multipliers

    [/floatleft]7 x 3.0 = 18 out of 30
    7 x 3.0 = 21
    out of 30
    7 x 1.5 = 10.5
    out of 15
    9 x 1.5 = 13.5
    out of 15
    10 x 1.0= 10
    out of 10

    Final Score


    Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings
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  9. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    this made me LOL
    A nice combined review, cheers guys.
  10. Forgefire

    Forgefire Forerunner

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    Nice map man, its looks nice

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