Wait when you mute them they can't hear you either? That doesn't make sense but would be cool if it's true.
Just to quickly make u guys feel happy and unleash your rage on Castor: DL "KA" in my file share (slot 21) to see me melee Castoracanadany and see his body fly strangly far. Not only will you see justice be done, but you laugh too! =]
let someone else catch him... then report here, and send the films. He obviously won't let you guys in his party again lol.
You should really shorten the show a lot, other than that it was fun to watch. Do you think they you help me? My map might have been stolen. My friend said he played on it once with someone else who said he made it. How did you figure it out? I don’t really care though, because I wasn’t done with the map when he stole it anyways. It would be nice to catch him though.
i would love to be in on this, and i hate map thieves as well, although i think Bushido Elite was worse at the stealing part.
that candylandydandy dude would not leave us alone and i had to boot him 42 times. yes, i put it on invite only and closed the party. that kid is a freak, lol plus we got him on stealing two maps. thats two accounts of first degree map theft, which equals life on the list of noobs.
mmm. While your at it, can you check what maps he's stolen? I've heard he stole Pallet Parade, Distortion, and Duel of the Fates (ZOMG my map that is clearly star wars and renamed it to something with Marathon I heard LOL), and a few others.
hahaha that was great i love it i hate when peple say oh ya this is my map when i played on it before them so ya nice job
Another good episode....lol i came back and there were two i hadnt seen....no idea why i missed em but anyway. My main suggestion would be to shift it from a simple vid of the game to a sort of machinima show and show clips of the "simple vid" to back up the proof that he did steal it. Ie him admitting it and the creator schooling him. Meaning you could have an intro so we can tell during the clips whos talking and other bits like my "symbolic throwing of bad guy into death pit of awesomness" could be included or avoiding of hearing yer man screaming *** over and over -which was just kinda...yeah.... or the other guy yelling out that he was the ghostrider!I liked that part,but you know what i mean,the uneeded stuff And bushido elite could just be a running joke really. He's clearly just some nut who gets his kahoots from messing with people. "And by this day bushido has stolen this this and this.Which im sure you all know raises his body count to x number of maps.Quite possible until the end of time bushido could remain our idiot of the week" Also if i ever get a one month or a one week gamer card with a game im gonna send it to you. Eventually your gonna get slightly known and semi intelligent theives arent going to want to play with you. Espionage!
the ghost rider guy joined and had no idea we were filming, it was by accident lmao but it is pretty funny