Glad to finally be posting up my video, I've been putting off getting everything together for a while now. Without proper capture equipment I was forced to use Bungie's site and you all know how that goes, extra effort to say the least. Either way, what's done is done and the video is complete. I'm not a video editor per say, so nothing too fancy just graphically pleasing with substantial content. "To be an Inventor" is comprised mainly of 1v1, 2v2 and x4 FFA with MLG physics. Due to the gametypes, this video is less about multi-kills and more about execution in a creative manner. Lots of set ups, mind games and even on-host BXR's. I'm an "old school" Halo 2 player, so I prefer smaller competitive game types as such. Thank you for viewing, hope you all enjoy the film. Feel free to add me on XBL for any and all customs: YamaMX Halo Reach : To be an Inventor (Montage) - YouTube
Finally, one who dons the armor of Kat rocks some bitches. What was that? The air assault helmet is for chicks? You have no idea how happy this makes me.
Ahahaha. A helmet for chicks. Aha... It appears I've stepped into the "Dress up spartan Hub"... Anyway, that was an incredible montage. Some of the BXR's were insanely badass, and some of that sniping was intense. Good job, it was seriously entertaining.
Glad to see you both enjoyed it. Sadly it'll garner just as many dislikes for not being a cinema production, nor a snipetage. Those who can look outside of the box will surely enjoy it though, which is what makes it all worth it. Glad to see most have. Thanks for the positive feedback!
Actually, I'd say this is ten times better than a snipetage (which are just about every Reach montage) because this takes quite a different and arguably more intensive skill. I also think this was much more fun to watch; I did not know what you were going to do next, which added a little layer of humor and suspense. Nice job!