This is some very good advice i was given and i hope that you follow it. I will not be show the authors name unless he wants credit for it. So here it is:
everyone knows its only because you are Quite some nice info right there....I hope the author reveals himself/herself...
rofl dom that was nice and i guess that sums it up but you didn't sound as intelligent rofl but i like this in that it explains in more detail
Honestly, I would love to be a Loyal. In harsh reality, I'll never be one. I haven't been on this site for as long as some other people. Yet, as said in that message, I'll still try my best to be a helpful member and help others. I'm trying for Premium.
For anyone wondering, I said it. and AmercanPsyco, how long you've been a member doesnt play mucb of a role in whether you're Loyal. Sure, if you're really new then there's little chance, it just depends on what kind of a person you are. And I want a lot of people to think of the scenario. If there was an announcment saying there will be no new Loyals, ever. If you were to flip out and start breaking all the rules, then you don't deserve it.
This kind of reminds me of a line from the movie The Departed where they ask one of the main characters if he wants to be a cop, or look like a cop. Once again, people try too hard...
Not enough interlocking, srry sharp. U nevar gets loyalz cuz u gets infractid lotz and no one likes u cept tecks who is a mod but it dun mattar cuz u haz sooo many bad tihings dun here n u nevar getz it b4 meEeee!!@!'` Lol good thread though. They should make one of these for mods so we dun get anymore yomvtraps.
I have many thoughts and I would like to express myself in this thread...but I won't. Alls I can say is thats good advice and is true.
I honestly think it would be annoying to be a loyal/staff member. You would be getting a lot of pointless and annoying PMs/xbl messages asking for recon, forging help, asking for loyal, asking to get a map featured, etc. I feel really sorry for the people who come here just for that.
i is have 4 infractions total lol and i have over 1000 tehe but I joined in april. I would never get loyal, haha