Titanic Remake: Need Ideas

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Devil95, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Okay if anyone remembers that Titanic Map on Foundry, Thats where Im going at. Titanic (Foundry) was awesome with Infection and RPG's. Sadly, It was lost in the pool of Bungie Files. After a long 2 years, The Titanic is back. Unlike last time, this map will look smooth and really good. Although, I have annouced alot of maps. Titanic is a Mini-project. Not only is this for forgehub, I have a Project at school. Recreate the Titanic. Cool thing is my school accepts Videos from Games. This is where Halo Comes in. Now Im asking you, Hubbers to give me your thoughts about this and some ideas that you would like to see in the Titanic. What Modes? What Features? Switches? Etc. Anything that will make this cool and exicting. I am spending 5 hours a day now. Instead of 2. That means, I dont have to rush or throw a release date down. If anyone has any ideas. Please comment. I will be gone on the 5th of Febuary, So that leaves me alot of time before to answer comments and Ideas. I have start on the bottom and Middle of the ship. I wont be working on it after Febuary 5th. If I can I'll work on it this week and the next. Thank-you. Also in 6 months time I will be leaving forgehub. Why? Because after G043R Got banned permently, I feel forgehub isn't safe any more. Why 6 Months. Well, I have many projects to finish before I leave. Summer gives me alot to time. I know Im not as Popular as Insane54 or Rifte Gifle. I not trying to make a scene. Thanks for the support. Please post your ideas and thoughts, Thank-you! :)
    #1 Devil95, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  2. cheesenipsaregood

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    Are you recreating it as its sinking? or while its in 1 peice?
  3. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    One piece, either way its the Titanic. No Questions Asked!
  4. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    You've seen my sinking one right. I made that with my brother a year and a half ago. 1000 + downloads. I reccomend
    you make it sinking.
  5. Zee-V70

    Zee-V70 Ancient
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    I've got an idea. The year is 2552. The UNSC Titanic is currently in service, only to be assaulted by a peculiar group of individuals--if you want to call them that. They appear to be spawn of the initial iceberg that managed to take out the Titanic--and they're here to finish what they started so many years ago.

    Probably Infection/Assault/VIP.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    do eet. Personally, I would do it on sandbox because the benefits you would get with size.

    And if you can, do it at the bottom of the guardian towers but still on the metal surrounding sandbox itself. It'd be pretty sweet.. and you'd die if you touched the ground.
  7. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Do it on Longshore, I dont care how just do it, it would be so epic. Have boats everywhere in the water and a sinking boat! If you dont i will!
    Also if you dont think you can do it on Longshore or Foundry, which is very difficult. I suggest like Rifte said to make it on sandbox, if you plan on making the whole thing you wont have the budget on Foundy, Sandbox however you do, so I suggest doing that... If not you could just make it sinking.

    EDIT: My computer is slow, i think i double posted :|
    #7 Xang, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2010
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    DELETE, please :|
    #8 Xang, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2010
  9. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Umm. I would do exactly as Rifte has stated and build it sinking on sadbox. And either make it on the skybuble, though that would look awkward, or on the guardian as rifte said. And i would try to make it HUGGGGEEEEE!!!! that way it would be more epic... Tee Hee
  10. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    But anyway, make it sinking, probably on sandbox like rifte said.
  11. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    I thinking about making 1 sinking and one still in shape. Since half the people hear want it sinking. That is gonna take awhile. Although I am putting most of my forging time than any other map. Im gonna have on crashing into the Guardian tower and the other one in the skybubble. Exspect this coming in summer.
  12. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    It should totally be sinking into the ground; Ghost Merging ftw!

    The middle level of Sandbox probably would be the best map/location so that you can make it huge. I think that pic rifte posted would be a good reference point.

    The tricky part would be giving the inside a feeling of claustrophobia while still providing a large sense of scale.

    Also, how about building it at a 45 degree angle so that players can walk on both sides of the ship!
  13. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Even though it would be small, Longshore. Im actually ****ing amazed that since September nobody has thought, "Lets make a boat". Why not! But the Titanic for good size, Sandbox. Maybe Sinking.

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