Remake Titan

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Shad0w Viper, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Since the birth of Halo 3 there has been one map I have desired to see remade above all others. One map that I have dreamed that I might be able to create using Bungie's new game mode known as forge. Even in the early days of foundry I foolishly attempted this remake, but the many restrictions would prove to be my downfall. Then came sandbox, and with it a renewed since of hope, this could be my chance. I worked tirelessly around the clock to make that in which I have desired for so long, but even sandbox with all it's potential was not enough to accomplish my goal. I had all but given up when Bungie unveiled Forge World, I knew then that this was it, if it was going to happen it would be with with Forge World, and it did. Now after three years I'm proud to announce that my Colossus remake has come to light.

    I set out to remake it as accurate as possible, not only the geometry but the look and feel as well. Obviously there was no way I could replicate the moving conveyor belts but I knew the key would be in capturing all the subtle details. Though as great as Forge World is there are still limits and some cuts had to be made, namely most of the railing. With those cuts I was able to capture almost every other aspect of colossus resulting in a map that I feel is at least 90% accurate to the original. It is a work that I'm proud to have accomplished and should provide a great experience for anyone looking to recapture some of that old colossus magic.






    Special Thanks
    rusty eagle
    and all other testers.

    Titan (C)

  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Haha I already have the leaked version of this map! Is there still Z-fighting? There were about four large areas of flickering in the version I have. But the map is just great. Its very accurate, and I was impressed with the amount of detail. I haven't played any games on it yet so no comment on gameplay, but it looks great! Excellent remake!
  3. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lol, I guess I should feel honored that someone thought my map was worth leaking.

    As for the Z-fighting most if not all should be fixed, but there may be some of it hiding somewhere that I didn't notice.
  4. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I'm glad I had the honor of playing Titan before you posted it. My first step into this map, was like stepping into a time machine to the year 2004, at least I think it was 2004, probably 2005. Any-who, I was an avid player in Rumble Pit and I remember it like it was yesterday, I was fighting for my life, while getting stand-by'd by some loser. I was looking for a nice competitive match and then wam bam, standby'd.

    I loved Colossus as an FFA map and as part of the MLG circuit. MLG team snipers, was either a love it or hate it match, because if your team sucked you just got owned really quickly, however quite the contrary if you had a good team. With a good team you where able to push up to center, because your team could hold back the other team while one player went sniper spawn. From their you could keep the other team in their base, this was a major advantage. Considering that your team spawns would keep your team rooted to that side of Colossus.

    Keeping the enemy team spawning on their side was predictable. However, if you lost your team member at top, the other team could easily push to top to reclaim dominance. Colossus in general was a great tug "o" war map with 2 flag, great struggle between the two teams. Only thing missing from titan is the bouncing flag.
  5. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    What's the (c) version of the map?
  6. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    (c)lassic weapons.
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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  8. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    Awesome job! This is amazing and I am so glad that Bungie gave us Forgeworld, now we can all make whatever our imagination can think up and your map only supports my statement. This is truly a beautiful map, I like how you used the Covenant barriers, that was a nice touch. Question though, are the gametypes set up the same as the original as well?
  9. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Probably not, I did everything from memory. Flag locations are in the correct locations, you can even score it from underneath like in the original, but the less popular gametypes like KOTH may not be in the accurate locations.
  10. AnalogWeapon

    AnalogWeapon Ancient
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    You are brave indeed sir. I tried tackling this one back in H3 as well and realized it was a futile undertaking. I have been waiting for someone to do it with Reach. I'll download and give some feedback. It looks great from the screenshots.
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I haven't gotten to play an actual game on it yet, but I've been watching you build it... even in Sandbox, and I always hoped you'd reach your goal. The map is beautiful and as far as I can remember, its the most accurate remake we'll ever see of this map.

    Congrats, and I hope I get in on the testing next time you build a map.
  12. AnalogWeapon

    AnalogWeapon Ancient
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    Had chance to walk around the map today on my lunch break. Awesome work! It really does look perfect, as far as my memory serves me (Which is pretty well, as I've definitely logged some hours on the map in H2). The only criticism I have would just be knit-picking. It adheres to the core functionality and geometry of the original and I don't think it could be improved aesthetically, given what's available to build with. I like how you used object colors to denote the different sides.
  13. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    This is truly a great remake, just about everything is perfect. I only noticed 1 or 2 things wrong and you said you did this from memory, Damn Shad0w, outstanding job!
  14. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Only the gametype setup was done by memory, the geometry was based off around 8 60 second sessions of me running around colossus.
  15. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I went outside to have a look at how you used some of the objects and I just ended up wondering why I didn't think of doing that!
    I'd considered using objects upside down but I don't think it ever occurred to me to do things like use the base of the BR Tower as a floor, just forget about the rest of it! I'll be turning everything upside down and on its sides now look for interesting features to avoid covering entire floors with 4x4s!

    I do have one worry about it, it seems that your map is too good. When standing at one of the bases the game starts to lag slightly as you across the map. I don't think I'd recommend this one for split screen!
  16. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    When you first told me about your remake, I told you that I've seen a few pretty damn good ones that already existed. You and Zombievillian (I think it was him) just laughed and then proceeded to open my eyes to what was considered amazing in Reach. You are definitely raising the bar for expectations of a good map in reach and I'm glad that somebody was finally able to do this. I'm not an easily impressed person, but this is a fantastic remake and as long as you didnt **** up on spawns (which I doubt you did do to your credibilty) this map should play gorgeously. DLing as we speak.
  17. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Another great remake ruined by framerate issues.

    See if you can cut down on the number of polygons seen at one time. When I look out into the main area from the sniper spawn, I get like 15 - 20 fps, if that.
  18. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was thar.

    But really Shadow, this map is freaking amazing. I didn't know colossus much, we were more of acquaintances, but I still knew him. He was a cool guy. And if memory serves, it seems that you've done a brilliant job of remaking this bad boy. All I can really say at this point is thank you. Thank you very much.
  19. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I too must continue this trend of praise and appreciation, as that which it has already received is well deserved. I, personally, found Colossus to hold one of the most memorable gameplay experiences from Halo 2, and too have anxiously awaited an appearance in both Halo 3 and Reach. I had the privilege of seeing your unfinished attempt at this creation on Sandbox, and felt a tinge of disappointment when I realized that even the expansive budget and item count (a pause for a hindsight-inspired chuckle) failed to provide an accurate remake. However, the same does not hold true for Forge 2.0, and not only have you managed to recreate Colossus's general layout, but brought back both it's look and feel, something that sets this remake above and beyond the others I have seen and most likely those yet to come.

    Nostalgia is a powerful force, one that can often cloud judgement. But, if anything, the nostalgic factor in this map is so strong that it only makes Titan that much more impressive. It's not enough to say that I was reminded of Halo 2, I was replaying Halo 2. The physics might have improved, the weapons might have changed, but the battles remained the same. There were multiple occasions while I engaged in close-quarters conflicts, or long ranged confrontations, playing around various geometrical obstructions, that I was reminded why I enjoyed this map so much way back when. Sure, the introduction of visual lag is a less than desirable change, but even that fails to detract from the enjoyment derived from this map. It's the best there is, and the best we'll get, and I don't see it ever leaving my hard drive. Cheers for accomplishing your long-held dream, it was well worth it.
    #19 X5, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010
  20. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    You did a great job with this, thats for sure. I do really wish that the jump up into the window(s) was still there, as well as the jump from above the top tunnel to its adjacent BR perch. Small prices to pay, though. But I bet you could find a way to add that window jump back in if you worked at it enough.

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