Tired of Matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by JoshJiggler, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. JoshJiggler

    JoshJiggler Ancient
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    Anyone else tired of the stock matchmaking playlists? My crew and I have pretty much given up on MM and gone to customs about all the time. The problem is, that most of our friendlists are just that RL friends. While it makes finding my actual friends easy, it can make it hard sometimes to fill a match.

    I don't know what it is about MM that we've turned our noses to...maybe it's the quality of people we tend to meet in MM, maybe it's the sameness of it all...who knows. If you've given up on MM too...why? Just curious if other out there share our views.

    EDIT: Right after I posted this...I realized there was a sub-cat just for Halo discussion. Sorry mods, I'm still figuring out the layout of the boards...)C:
  2. Jayn0

    Jayn0 Ancient
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    Ive really given up on MM because I can go and win 10 straight without ranking up, then lose 1 and lose 2 ranks! Its just rediculous to me! So I have the same problem with finding a fill in for customs, or people to play Big Team with, cuz at least big team still offers entertainment for me!
  3. bornslayer05

    bornslayer05 Ancient
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    One of the major reasons i have given up on matchamking is that i personally enjoy objective games the best and where it may take 2 min to find a team slayer game i've found that sometimes it takes me over 10 min to find a BTB game, maybe i'm just impatiant, and theres the fact that i enjoy forging more than actually playing games lol.
  4. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Matchmaking is never really boring. It's to bad really that I decided to screw around on this account so I lost a lot of trueskill and Mu and whatever on this account (I had another account where I actually played serious. Only losing about 20 games out of possible 150). Now I leveled out at 40 in Team Slayer. So i'm playing objective all the time. Objective is the best hands down, slayer sucks.

    Someone call me out on that.
  5. Lunatic Inferno

    Lunatic Inferno Ancient
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    yea its losing intrest for me to
    though i still very much enjoy big team
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    i love objective but i always have horrible teammates who are like 10 and have no idea what to do except kill randomly.... :( im really into strategy and teamwork, as most of my maps reflect (except Quidditch...)
  7. bornslayer05

    bornslayer05 Ancient
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  8. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    no infection gametypes in matchmaking and they are always the most fun custom games i ususally play.
  9. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I mostly stopped playing MM because first, I get tired of little kids and smart ass couch potato teenagers screaming at each other over who's better at Halo. First of all who cares? if you put "I'm a general in Halo online" on a resume will it get you a job? No .... jeez
    and yes the ranking system seems to be plain weird. I know that it's supposed to be based off of some complex equation or wtv but the equation sucks.
    And I also loaned my Halo 3 disk out and Haven't had it in a week ... but oh well :squirrel_giggle:
  10. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I'll never give up on MM.
  11. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    MM isn't all that hard to understand. The whole MU and trueskill. If you don't lose a lot of games, you won't lose a lot (or none at all because you are pro, like me :D) of levels.
  12. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    MM gets so boring...people trying is not cool :(
    I prefer the rocket race in matchmaking because it is just a joke that is funny even if you lose
    Ranked on the other hand just bores me completely
  13. Admiral_Mubutu

    Admiral_Mubutu Ancient
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    Uber QFT.

    Also MM is MEGA SLOW.
  14. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    I still play MM, but customs are a lot more fun. Rocket racing is fun for the hell of it. What I don't understand though is why they decided to make a whole playlist for rocket racing, but not for infection. Kinda weird.
  15. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Infection was a one day treat they had on MM. Rocket race is staying (so far, they're going to drop it because no one uses it).

    Infection was just for fun anyways, there is no real way of winning that game, it's basically who can camp the most.

    Anyways, MM is not really boring for me, I get annoyed when I get some crap teammate in team doubles (I once got 24 out of 25 of our kills on snowbound). And I hate the infection customs, when you become party leader and change it to slayer or something reasonable, everyone leaves. It is really kind of sad.
  16. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Ranked is no fun because I always get matched up with the "serious" Halo player who kick my @$$, make racial slurs, and take bad about my mother (shes a very respectable woman ok?). Unranked is so much more relaxed, but I probably enjoy customs/forge even better.
  17. F4K13D0UBL3P3G

    F4K13D0UBL3P3G Ancient
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    yeah i'm tired of the constant trash talking every single game even if you win. they always find something to complain about or at least just make fun of you.
  18. monpe45

    monpe45 Ancient
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    I've given up on MM because of two major reasons,

    1. During Objective based games usally people don't play it right/just goes on a killing spree and they usally leave me and the one or two other guys to finishing the game.

    2. People are so darn bored on MM that I can't get a half decent game and when I do it usally means I lose and go down 2 ranks or I just quit because I get really mad because my team doesn't know what the term "TEAM" means, and go make maps or go play GH, RB, or CoD 4
  19. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    I hate MM.
  20. Chain Guns

    Chain Guns Ancient
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    I haven't completely given up on it just yet, but since I got the achievements and got a 30 skill, I've played ranked a LOT less. Even though I do still play MM, I've been more often forging or playing custom games when there are enough people online.

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