Tips On Leveling Up In Halo 3

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Playerhata27, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Tips/Tactics to benefit yourself in Halo 3 multiplayer

    Lulz I know its been like a guidegasm lately but I thought this could help people

    How To Level Up In Halo 3.A Guide.
    by Playerhata27 =)
    Well most gamers who play Halo 3 really want to have a High level in the ranked playlist of matchmaking.Now this can get tricky at most times and probally all out frustrating so here goes my best.

    Color Cordinations

    • Requirements~Blue
    • Tutorial~Green
    • My Way Of Playing Halo 3~Orange
    • Matchmaking~Red

    1.Patience:Trust me if you have none leave now.
    2.A good team or partner:Have at least decent players that most likeley go positive and get at least more than 6 kills per game.Or go to websites and request a team or partner.A nice example to find a serious partner/team would log on to www.mlgpro.comand try to find nice teammates or asf for them.
    3.Being good at Halo yourself:I will explain further down the road.

    Now onto the tut =)

    Well first of decide what playlist your going to be playing (This tut will not include head to head seeing that you need a partner or team).Find your team's weaknes's and strength.If you have a skill at defending a flag or bomb then play Team Objective.If you have a great BR skill then switch over to MLG and play Team Swat or MLG.But say your just good at straight out killing then stick to Team Slayer.

    Now its your turn to get good at halo.These are my suggestions then I'll link to some helpful tutorials.

    My way of playing Halo 3

    Look sensitivity:Now when I saw this I know some of your jaws are going to drop and you going to scream "OMG" ,but my look sensitivty is on 1.Some of you probally think that is soooo slow but its actually not.You can turn at a nice pace and your aim is extremelysteady.If in the begginig you don't like 1 then try 2 or 3 (default).And I also know some of you have heard pros play on 10 or around there and some of you probally play on that too but its not true.Some pros actually do play on 1 and thats how their aim is so steady.So just try it out ,and trust me I've been doing this since Halo 2 and have gotten far.

    Weapon Choice:Now I know the starting weapon is an Assault Rifle (AR) but theres so many spawn points on the map that have you spawning close to better weapons.Now for exaple you see a Battle Rifle (BR) on the wall and a needler nearby and your current weapon is an AR.What I recommend you doing is checking if theres some one nearby,if there is pick up that needler and blast the **** out of him/her.But if theres no one close by just pick up the BR.I say this because.In sticky situations the needler can't save you.When you have half shields and have a needler your most likely going to die and haven't injured the other player.But if you had the BR you could have had a chance by getting cover,throwing a grenade then shooting,or just shoot the guy in the head till he dies.Now keep this in mind when you have a choice of weapons.Think of their shooting range,auto-lock on,firing rate,and the other neccesities.

    Aim:Now assuming your look senstivity is on 1 you should have a good aim.I will list the weapons that don't really need much aim and ones that do.

    Weapons that don't need a good aim are rockets (if you shoot close enough it will most likely kill or injure the person),needler (It has auto aim but when people are strafing[Starfing is when people are dodging your bullets by moving or whatever] you don't have a good chnce,Gravity Hammer (If your at close range then all you need is that little reticule to light red and wah-lah their most likely dead),energy sowrd (same thing as gravity hammer), Mauler + shotgun (they are both close range weapons so when you close to someone just shoot ,and if you have a mauler shoot and beatdown for automatic kill),AR (It has an auto-aim so basically your good but from long range your screwed),SMG (as the AR it has auto-aim but try to duel weild these seeing how much more effective they are when),Spiker (same thing as SMG ,DUEL WEILD IF POSSIBLE!!!),and the Plasma Pistol (Has a semi-auto aim when charged,but if you just charged at someone and hit them use another weapon to kill them seeing that they have no shields!!).

    Now for weapons that need aim BR ( neeeeed to shoot them in the head,get better at being able to shoot people in the head while in the air ,no shields,pressured.Basically all the possible scenarios),Carbine (basically the same as the BR except it shoots one burst so be extra careful of aim,Sniper Rifle and Beam Rifle (Well they have extremly small reticules when un-zoomed but when zoomed in its pretty decent,and remember when you have the chance to zoom in DO IT,dont try to be cool an no scope when you can easily get the kill,save the no scoping for un-ranked),Brute Shot (I reccomend when firing at someone shooting at their chest or legs seeing how its kinda hard to shoot them in their head),and the Spartan Laser (If you have the chance to zoom in DO IT!Because as I said with the sniper if you miss the noscope you might die).

    Grenades:I will be linking to a tutorial someone made about Grenade placement but heres mine.

    First off decided what grenade your going to use.Say a mongoose is coming at you and you have frags+plasmas switch to your plasmas and try to stick the goose (same with spikes).But if you have frags then when the mongoose is fairly close (you must time the distance and speed) throw a grenade on the floor where the mongoose will dirve on and make sure it will explode as the vehicle goes over it (as i said you must time it).But say you see someone on your radar behind a wall,door,etc.Throw a greande where it looks like the radar dot will walk on so you can get an easy kill.I say do this with frags seeing the bounce around more so if the perosn tries to run it might still get them.Speaking of frags bouncing ,learn frag placements.Say someone is in another room and you see them on radar throw a frag (If you don't have frags then do it with plasmas but frags work better) on the wall opposite the other player so it will bounce near or under them lowering their shelids down for the kill.

    Vehicles:Now only some multiplayer maps include vehicles but if they do try to take advantage of it.If its warthog then definately take it.But with any vehicle remember if you see the slightest strand of a red ray aiming at your vehicle (Spartan Laser) then GTFO (Get The Fudge Out) of there.

    Also ,vehicles provide a quicker way of transportaion.So most likely take a mongoose (seeing that it has no turret and its extremely stupid to try to kill with a full mongoose) to a camo ,power weapon,etc.

    Back to Matchmaking
    Lulz I know that took a while

    Map: Say more than half of the players on your team don't like the map or gametype then veto.But if the odds are against him or them then you might as well make ends meet and try your hardest.

    Teamwork:This is probally the thing that gets me fed up the most.IF your teamate is in trouble,or about to die then help him!Don't just stand there thinking its going to be k ,well it might not be.And say you are set with nice wapons and are going to stay there then talk to your teamates.Tell them to also play back so then you can all help eachother.Don't just walk away from eachother because thats probally automatic lose.

    Communication: Say you need help or your teamate does then say something!Say that your about to die or need help killing them.Call them out too!IF you see an opponet going by your teamate then tell him,don't just watch him get assainated.And if they have no shields call "One shot!" or "No shields over at....".When you die and theres alot of them over by your dead body then say "At my X".



    Adelyss's tips for Matchmaking preparation

    Well I actually had fun making this and I hope this helped all of you.If you guys want me to make more then I will but thanks anyways and Good Luck!
    #1 Playerhata27, Jul 15, 2008
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
    Markkus, KB, Smeagle and 7 others like this.
  2. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    This is sure to help players rank up easier if they are having trouble understanding the gameplay. If all else fails and they are still having trouble they can just find some better players to play with and eventualy they will get the hand of it thats what I did. Now I have little troublew figureing out how to give hell to my enemies. Good write up though. : ]
  3. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Yeah thats a great guide Playa. Just one thing I think you should add in the teamwork section is there is no such thing as kill stealing in team games. I hate it when people think you took there kill when you really just saved there life.
    Playerhata27 likes this.
  4. cgamer2021

    cgamer2021 Ancient
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  5. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    It's sooooo true that good teamwork and communication will win you your matches. Seriously.
  6. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, this is an amazing guide. must have taken you ages. Its very detailed and just about covers everything.
  7. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    Here's a less detailed guide for every playlist.
    Lone Wolves - Grab a Power weapon and start mowing down enemies
    Team Slayer - Work well with your team and control spawns
    Team Objective - Pretty Obvious
    Team Doubles - Be very tactical and patient at things
    Ranked Big Team - Slay as much as you can
    MLG - Communicate as much as you can, using callouts and weapon spawns
    Swat - Think fast
    Head to Head - Kill the other guy before he kills you.

    My prefered way of getting my level is Team Doubles, currently my skill is 49 in that and that's what I play best at.

    EDIT: Playerhata whats your highest skill and in what?
    #7 Mortarion, Jul 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2008
  8. The God of Grunge


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    Thanks for the guide. My highest is 39 in Lonewolves, followed by a 25 in team doubles
  9. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Here's another bit of advice that I've found helpful:

    If you have a team that you're consistently using (from partying up or a clan or whatever) change your service tag (letter, number, number) to O0 (o and zero) and a number between 1-4, with each team member being a different number. Then take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with your own number and your teammates numbers. This makes it easier to communicate during gameplay and even more in tight situations by calling out numbers. Example: '4 you got a guy coming up behind you' or '2 i got your back'. Calling out numbers is quicker than shouting whole gametags, which sometimes can be hard to pronounce or very similar if someone has a guest. There's been tons of times when i've been like "jonee...jon33... whatever j-something theres a - oh wait nevermind you died."

    I realize some of you might be thinking to yourself 'that's unnecessary'. But in a game where timing is everything, spending 1 second less to say someones name can make a world of a difference in your communication and gameplay.

    Hope that helps!
  10. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man I aprreciate it.

    Yeah very true.I'lll quote you and add it

    No problem but don't spam!

    Yeah it really frustrates me when I get people that don't talk of help me.

    Yeah it took me an hour =/ but thanks for the feedback man!

    Yeah if all esle for me trying to get a 50 in other ranked I'll just play Lone Wolves.

    Wow I never thought of that!Thats realllly hewlpful and I'll quote you and add that too.

    I sound pretty stupid to ask but + rep is aprreacitaed.
    Also if this helped you tell me I will add your name to a list off people that it helped!!

    Thanks everyone.​
  11. Rentless

    Rentless Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice Guide you have here.

    Everything is blue, try adding different colors to your guide to make it stand out more and easier to find topics you were looking for.

    Communication - Orange
    Teamwork - Red

  12. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey man thanks I'll do that now!!
  13. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    This is sweet, with everyone making guides after playahata made this one there should be a sticky of halo 101 lol. But not hat would be cool. Everyone can add their tips, tricks, and helpful hints to it to create an ub3r guide to pwn at halo.
  14. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol yeah but everyone else made placement guides before me.

    I was the first (?) to make a Halo guide ,I belive.

    But thanks and now updated with color cordination!!
  15. The God of Grunge


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    This guide is extremely helpful. I turned my sensitivity down to 1 today and my BR skillz has increased 10 fold
  16. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now your making me feel bad for flaming you =(.

    Lol sawwy and Halo 2 and Halo 3 both have their goods and bads.

  17. Rentless

    Rentless Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet, now its a lot easier to read and find different subjects.
    Glad you color coded it. GOod job
  18. The God of Grunge


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    Yes, truce.

    Excellent guide, and yes, friends
  19. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks alot man I aprreciate it.

    And everyone else thanks and I added you to the list of people that this helped Human Highlight.
  20. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I've never done swat but perhaps I'll turn down the sensitivity and play it tonight or tomorrow and see how it works.

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