Foundry Tiny Map

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by A Swamp Zombie, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. A Swamp Zombie

    A Swamp Zombie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    [SIZE=+2]Tiny Map[/SIZE]​


    Tiny Map is one of the most casual maps you can play. You are inside of a small box with a random weapon spawn. Pray you don't get a magnum!

    Link to the Map:
    Tiny Map

    [SIZE=+1]Don't forget to download the gametype![/SIZE]
  2. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    I'm not sure what to say. it's, um, well forged? the spawns are great? everything looks smooth?

    seriously though, i don't know why anyone would download this. it's not that you did a bad job, but it would take about 7 minuets to make this on a canvice, so i wouldn't use up a spot for it.

    honestly, i have no idea why you would put this up here, but to each his own i guess.
  3. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Also, this has been done a **** ton of times before, all a lot more well presented then this. As what Satan said, there wasn't really a need to post this.
  4. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    This should be played in TGIF.

    Imagine everybody getting pissed off and leaving!
  5. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    This is probably the most pointless map post Ive ever seen.

    Your not going to get much respect around here posting crap like this. And how long did it take you to post the map, 10 seconds?
    #5 Plan B, Sep 26, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2009

    PILGRIM Ancient
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    Jesus christ guys! chill!

    i actually see this map being very hectic with 0 second respawns but i think you should ake it more rounded so there are no corners to camp in and don't put spawns in the middle of the map because it leads to insta-kills for the other players.
  7. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    you're kidding right? Please tell me you are.
  8. hclarke15

    hclarke15 Ancient
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    insta kills??

    thats what this map is but i agree a circle would be better but then again that would take twice as long.

    like maybe even a whole minute
  9. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why make another empty box/circle map when theres better ones out there. If you do remake update this thread or youll make other map posters mad by bumping them down twice.
  10. xX PARZI1 Xx

    xX PARZI1 Xx Ancient
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    someone already did this called kiddie pool. spawned with shotty's.
  11. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    the game would be over before it started, but i made a map like this never rely cared for it infact i deleted it.
  12. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
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    A Swamp Zombie, sorry about all of these bad comments. ForgeHub's community is not very good, people constantly accuse others of stealing, horrible maps, not interlocking, etc.. In fact, someone might point out that this post is stupid. I suggest ignoring all other posts besides the decent-looking ones.

    If you had looked around, you would have realized the high standards of ForgeHub. There are tons of greatly-forged maps and then there are those who make maps who think will succeed even though they only did it for fun in their spare time, usually taking under an hour like this map. First off, the idea is simple but it has been done before many times. Maps like this get boring very fast. Not to mention you said "0 second respawn" which can only be attained by using a modded gametype, which is against the rules. Unfortunately, you will probably be infracted for this.

    You have potential so keep trying, but I suggest completely scratching this map and making up a brand new idea. Here are some if you cannot think of any. I also suggest getting a "pro" forger to give you feedback on your map and how to improve.
  13. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    oh i could make it fun, Darksoullll makes everything fun. haha

    make 2-5 layers of this with staris/teles conecting the levels then put a hole through all of them that goes back down to the first level. THAT would be exciting.
  14. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    um how can you camp in a 2x4 metal box map? That post made zero sense! And the map itself is pointless in my opinion, but im not gonna flame it so yea
  15. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well the spawns aren't shoved up against the corners, so a person could sit there and as a person spawned, just kept mashing b and assassinate them.
  16. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    + N/A

    - No originality whatsoever
    - Nothing interesting at all...its just a box
    - You either have no experience in forge or you think its funny to waste peoples time posting garbage, Go look at forging 101...

    Score: 0.5/10
  17. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    If you want to try making somrthig different, Make FLOORS. Thats Never been done an it could be new and pretty cool If I say so myself. Just a Thought so the bad comments go away
  18. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    @ whoever said to only read the decent comments:

    That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. You won't learn if you only listen to the people who praise your map. If you ignore that negative posts, then you'll just keep making maps like this one.

    @ OP:

    I'm sorry, but this map really is not good at all. I can tell you from experience with similar maps that you have <2 seconds to live for the most part. It's just spawn, press b, die. or maybe you get a kill and then die? who knows. As someone said before, look around the maps here, you'll see why there are so many negative comments on this one then. I often make a map, spend some time on it, then delete it because I don't think it plays well. It seems like you just posted this because you could.

    Anywho, if you don't know any forging techniques:

    - Press X on a spawned object.
    - Change "place at start" to "No."
    - Restart round.
    - Place new item where the old one used to be.
    - Wait for original item to spawn.
    - They are merged now. [practice this, you'll get better]

    - Place item on ground.
    - Put a door on the top of the item, so it merges a bit.
    - Double tap A on the item you want merged. [make braces around the object if it moves around a lot]
    - Move door down and repeat until done.
    ****Option 2 for Geomerging****
    - Spawn item.
    - Interlock item into the one you want merged, so that its floating a bit off the ground, merged into the first item.
    - Make braces around the item-to-be-merged.
    - Grab the item, do not drop, and save when it stops wiggling.

    Ghost Merging / No-Clipping:
    ****This is what I use now, I barely even interlock or geomerge normally now****
    - Spawn two items, same kind.
    - Set one to "Respawn Rate: Never."
    - Now Hit Up on the D-Pad and A at the same time while aiming at the box. [hand is green]
    - Do that for both boxes.
    - Make a new box, and just kinda whack the other two out of the way.
    - If they don't move when you do this, repeat Up and A again, and try again.
    - Once they are moved in the above method, grab the one that is NOT on "Never."
    - Wait around 30 seconds, when the other box DE-SPAWNS hit X twice, make "RunTime Minimum" to as high as it can go.
    - Now you can freely merge the item you are holding into anything, when you are ready, hit A and the item stays.
    - Restart round every so often to delete the items that disappeared and get them back.

    note: Ghost Merging sounds hard, but it's really very easy once you get it, also make sure you are connection host if you plan on doing it.

    ***all these only work with non-movable objects***

    If you don't understand, try Forging 101.
    #18 Kronos, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2009
  19. AItius

    AItius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey, great way to subtly advertise your thread in a response. Put that in your sig where it belongs.
  20. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
    Senior Member

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    can people stop commenting on this map its has like wat 8 objects its not good no creativity stop commenting on this stupid map and look at what others have forged, theres much better than this, comments from now on should be considered as spam all that needs to be said on this map has been said

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