ok so for those that dont know tin cups have magnetic properties on golfballs and vehicles,and increases with the more you have. So i wondered if it would be possible to use this in a racetrack, for example maybe you could make a loop that actually works or maybe drive up or down walls. Im not the best forger and dont enjoy making racetracks so this was just an idea that i thought might be doable if someone wants to test it and tell me how it works go ahead
I thought of this myself earlier but found that it doesn't work, much to my disappointment. It seems that the vehicle either doesn't stick or it sticks to much, I guess it might work if you experimented enough...
A wall of tin cups can stop a scarab tank from moving. Also, if you flip the tip cup upside down and interlock it with a wall, you can make a grassy field. UPDATE: 2/3 cups is all you need for a scorpion too stick upside-down.
Yeah, those are opposite problems, so there must be a happy medium if they both exist. That's actually a cool idea. I'm sure that the person who makes the first functional loop would get quite the recognition. Even if the tin cups don't work, you might be able to do it with grav lifts, or some combination of the two.
Tin Cups are a very powerful tool, and I foresee them having many uses. I've done much experimentation with them and Block Smalls, and will be using their unique properties in my upcoming map. As for using them create a look that one can stick on, that is a very interesting idea. I know that these "magnets" don't affect everything though, so I can't say if they will work with mongooses or not. I know for sure that they don't work with warthogs. However, if they do work with mongooses, the force to make a mongoose defy gravity could very well prevent them from moving and getting stuck. So, if you do make this, it would be recommended to carefully place mancannons that will propel the vehicles.
They work well on slow objects. Two interlocked tin cups will stick a scorpion (or wraith) upside down.
welll ypu can also increase there magnetic power by adding more for example one will almost hold a scorpion in place but two will stop it from moving of the cup
so far ive only been able to drive a prowler and wraith on a verticle wall and its difficult to move on it ill look for other uses though and im looking forward to that map
The only problem with this is that it'd be easy to get stuck unless you use a combo of tin cups, shield doors and grav lifts/man cannons. Aldo, you'd go round the loop unrealistically slowly if you did get it to work.
The effects of the tin cup do not affect mongeese or warthogs which are both the customary racing vehicles but your loop can still be done with man cannons
BIG you were there when i was testing this it has a small effect on both and increases as you add more and epic youre probably right and that waould cause people to fall out of their mongeese