Anyone got any substantial info on it? Pics gameplay vids? it's basically my favorite soon-to-be game...
I share your love for the game, but sadly, i am lacking any info on the game existence. The only clue i have seen that hints to the game was some Halo 3 parody trailer, made by Free Radical, that had the head of a monkey replacing the Spartans Helmet. Link: And sadly, from what i just read on IGN, this game may not ver happen. : (
Yeah I'm pretty sure Free Radical have gone the way of the dodo, so there will be no TimeSplitters 4... I for one am gutted, I loved the TimeSplitters series and even their silly map makers (Being able to script A.I and create your own Single Player levels, with objectives, was fun to do! I quite faithfully recreated the "Bunker" mission from Goldeneye)
LockdowN is actually right about it probably not happening, Free Radical has closed down because of Money issue. I really hope that they do come back, and make the game
Love TS, and love the map editor too - basic scripting was a lovely touch. From articles I've read, it looks like the administrators of Free Radical are reasonably confident they can find a buyer (Codemasters is interested, and a few others), and they do still own the IP of course. So, I'm fairly confident that the game will be made, the only question is what team of people will make it, and whether they'll inject quite the same level of flair and sense of humour as was in the old games.
What Shock Theta said. As I've read on kotaku, Free Radical's administrators appear to have already decided what they will do with the 40-ish workers and the Free Radical name, to be announced tomorrow. With any luck, Free Radical still exist, and they still get to make Timesplitters, especially after having lost Star Wars:Battlefront 3.
Haha yeah thats true. Anyway Time splitters was a great game in its day. I would happily buy the next game in the series. I'd love that map maker too, that would be the best part.
Can't wait to try it out. I remeber playing Future Perfect. Probably the best game I ever played on my PS2 besides Kingdom Hearts 2.
this reminds me.. Does anyone still have timesplitters 2 for ps2 or xbox? I am really, really interested in remaking one of the multiplayer levels in forge, and there is only a bare amount of information about them online. I would do it myself but i have one of the old ps2's and it would cost more to get it fixed than buy a new one, and money has been tight around here lately.
Actually, LucasArts stole that, and gave it to someone else. Arg. Free Radical has just been bought by Crytek, and so Timesplitters under the CryEngine? Cool.
No, I think Lucasarts just made Free Radical not tell anyone about Battlefront 3. Lucasarts owns all games that have Star Wars in front of it anyway.
Oh yeah the studio who made TS 1-3 apparently shut down, don't remember much about that though. I would really love a sequel though. Timesplitters was the only remotely fun game I had for the GameCube back before I got my Xbox. If the rumors are true I'm sure to buy.
Warblearblegraaaab! olololol. Free Radical are now called Crytek UK. Not everybody who used to work there still do, as some of the ex-employees went and make another company called "Pumpkin Beach". As of yet, we're not sure what Pumpkin Beach are doing.