Timed Map Events

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TrueDarkFusion, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    This tactic would rely on everyone completing their laps at the same time... Is your map built for competitive racing or just for fun stunts and tricks?

    Also, if any of those obstacles are immovable objects, hopefully no one gets stuck inside of a double box that spawns the moment they drive to where it is going to be.

  2. apophis

    apophis Ancient
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    man, it would be awesome if you could reverse this instead it takes an object away
  3. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    There are always the destructible items like forklift, trucks and fusion coils. Just set them to never respawn (Respawn interval = Never) and you will have something similar.

  4. hyperdypr

    hyperdypr Ancient
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    I just started work on a sandtrap map for a "terrorist" gametype and plan on using timed fusion coils to drop out of the sky... it is going to be a somewhat complicated system and i'm wondering if it will work out ok, i want there to be a series of "bombings" that take place at different parts of the "terrorist" side of the map, and plan on setting the bombs at different heighths to achieve a bombing-esq feeling to them. I was wondering how someone managed to spawn a burning warthog though, that would be quite useful for the ambiance.
  5. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    You can have a warthog fall from the sky. If it is high enough, it will explode on impact. I was able to do this on Sandtrap because of the high ceiling, so its seems that Sandtrap and Valhalla are your best bets.

  6. hyperdypr

    hyperdypr Ancient
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    awesome, I will definately try this when I get home... I've almost finished all of the timed events on the map and now it is just setting spawn points.
  7. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Another way to use respawn times is to limit access to items and equipment.

    I made a map with tons of weapons and equipment because it plays so large on Foundry. By putting all equipment to respawn times of 3 minutes, having the 10 pieces of equipment on the map wasn't that bad at all.

    Also works for weapons. You can give the players a wider selection of weapons by limiting how many clips they have and their respawn rate. I found this to be very effective for my new map, which I will hopefully publish this week (if I have the time).

  8. Killamanjaro123

    Killamanjaro123 Ancient
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    my only published map hold out uses timed events as the point of the game

    for interesting zombie maps make humans use timed events to advance to the next stage
  9. Merrifield69

    Merrifield69 Ancient
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    I use that to make passage ways blocked at a certain amount of time so you have to rush there at the start of the map
  10. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Time events work on the legendary maps with the forge filters you can set the filters to spawn over a time period to act like a day cycle. I used it in my Untill Darkness 2 map.
  11. Hujgup

    Hujgup Ancient
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    :):):D:)thanks 4 the tips
  12. Jitsk28

    Jitsk28 Ancient
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    Thanks for the help on the timing... but one thing I can't figure out is how to make certain object de-spawn after a certain amount of time... is this possible?
  13. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
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    Taht would be cool.
  14. reykjavik

    reykjavik Ancient
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    This technique works well with the legendary map FX. I have also used it in a territories game so I could allow the defending team to get to the first territory at a reasonable time, but prevent them from easily getting behind enemies later in the game. I simply put a one way teleporter in an open box, and blocked it with a fence wall after thirty seconds.
  15. One_Shot_One_Kill

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    If Bungie allowed for longer spawn times I have a great idea. PM me for details.
  16. Sniper Lag

    Sniper Lag Ancient
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    Wow. Awsome possibilities. You could make it so you can capture a gametype item at a time of your choice, by doing the following.

    1. Making a box with the gametype item in it. It has to be a cage, a fence box would probably work best here.
    2. Putting a two-way teleporter node inside the box, and another one outside of it.
    3. Set both, or only one node to 'not' spawn at the start of game, and then the spawn time to whatever you want.

    This would likeley lead to fighting around the portal outside the box, becuase whoever had control of the portal would gain the advantage.

    One downfall I see though, would be that there is a possibility of camping inside the box, like in an oddball game, for example.

    Another idea would be for infection. The zombies would spawn inside the box, and would have to wait for the teleporter to activate, giving the humans time for whatever they may need it for. (Hiding, as in Hide and Seek, getting a decent weapon, getting a good position, grabbing a powerup or other things your map could be designed for)

    Hope this helps =]
  17. blacksmith

    blacksmith Ancient
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    I have a theory of making an object despawn some time into the game. You'd set it's respawn time to "never", and then make a minor object disturb it some time into the game. An example would be having a crate despawn. Set it's respawn time to "never" and have it placed at start. Have some object floating overhead spawn some time into the game, so that it falls down and disturbs the crate. Being disturbed, the crate may vanish soon after, getting rid of it for the rest of the game. Now, I haven't tested that yet, but it may work, or come close to working.

    In truth, you can't "despawn" an object without spawning another. Without life, there cannot be death. But without death, there can be life. That is the problem in doing the impossible. Have a fusion coil spawn to explode a pallet. Have something spawn in a place that ends up shoving a fusion coil off of a cliff, and down onto someone's head. Have a grav lift spawn beneath something to rocket it up out of it's place. But you can't destroy without creating.

    You can attempt to create the illusion, as I have attempted. Make up some crazy method that'll get rid of both, like having a fusion coil destroy another fusion coil. Who knows what can be achieved?
  18. Fallenrat

    Fallenrat Ancient
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    or you could have the crate spawn just above the floor and because its moved it will despawn i've used it in a couple of my maps that are unreleased and shall never be released haha
  19. blacksmith

    blacksmith Ancient
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    That would work. It would take some precision to get it to despawn at the exact moment. It'd have to land flat and stabilize itself, settling into the exact place you want it to.
  20. PhantomsMortars

    PhantomsMortars Ancient
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    you really dont see them that much they can make a map really fun to play if done right

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