I love to think about odd questions of the universe and would love to here your theories on this one. Time Is the past changeable? Is the future predefined? No the past is not changeable, everything that happened happened including anyone's attempt to fix it and seeing that I've never heard of anyone coming from the future we either will move off the planet and will forget about Earth by the time time travel is invented or never will invent it. Or maybe people will only attempt to change the future's past (our future, but farther in the future's past), but still they will fail because time is static. The future is defined, but infinitely. There is a probability axis in which there are an infinite amount of universes. Each universe is different in at least the slightest way. There is a universe where all of your dreams comes true, but we can't shift from left to right on this axis, we just continue on as one of an infinite amount of ourselves. So yah. And its weird there is an infinite amount of universes with us in it, but even more without us meaning that there is a finite amount of universes with us in it, but this is clearly bunk. Its a paradox. Oh and no one lives in any of these universes because there are an infinite amount of planets, but not all are inhabited, so MATHEMATICALLY the population of the universe is zero because a finite number divided by infinity is zero. But this is just mathematical.
awww.. so how come you deleted his post but not mine? as for time... you are destined to choose whatever you may choose. And when i read the book "Slaughterhouse Five", the aliens in there had an interesting way of putting time. it was like a mountain range. its all there, unchangeable. What is to come is set in stone, and whatever you do, you do with purpose. Everything happens simply because it was meant to happen.
A serious thread by GRIF!?!? no... Anyway, deep, man, deep. I don't really agree with the 0 population though, but yea. Sounds like you may be right, but who really knows?
for the ratio of people per unit of measurement. its not the best thing, but it is still kind of funny.
Tell that to the writer's of Heroes. lololol. Anyway, this is a very interesting topic, and I love debating, so here goes. I do agree with Grif, as I believe everything that ever happens in life, even things that are "of the moment, like being about to choose one path and suddenly choose the other path. It might seem like you just switched the fate of time, but in reality you didn't. A great paradoxish... thing, is to think of if WE right now, are even in the present. Because is there ONE and ONLY ONE continuous time stream? Or multiple time streams that each span a certain amount of time. So that the present to us is the far past in one time stream, and that future stream is the far past to another stream, while our stream is at the same time far into the future to a stream like back in the time of say the Stone age. You know? It really boggles the mind to think about, but yea. And in the case there are all these different timelines, even MORE questions are raised: What time was there before time? (Like, before the Big Bang and all) If there is such far into the future time streams, then why havent we ever encountered a "future person" Or something I just thought of... what if we always HAVE being viewing people from the future. It sounds odd, but I just thought of it, but what if "Alien Spaceships" (not to now say Aliens don't exist, cause I think they do) but what if Alien ships are just people from the future, who never land so as not to disrupt the timestream.... but then by being here, they already technically would be, but since time is set in stone, then they wouldn't be? OMFG Im confusing myself now lol... so I'll just stop, having ranted all that. XD
I'm not sure what we're really debating here. Time itself? Or Time travel? Or the way in which we believe that Time exists? What about Einsteins theory of Relativity in regards to Time! Anyhoo. I'm gonna give a quick (lolololol) insight into my opinion regarding Time travel and how it can't exist, nor does Time itself. Time is not even "Real" in the real sense of the word, in my opinion. It is something we arbitrarily measure in seconds, months, years e.t.c. It's are way to quantify the fact that stuff changes, that we have memories, that we plan. It allows us to make references to events. Hmm, how can I explain this better? With a hypothetical example I suppose! OK, here we go, say we had no memory, none at all. Then as far as we're aware nothing happens, no events transpire, there's nothing to link one state, or transition, or period to another. Every given moment is just a static view of the world, in essence I suppose it would appear to be a void: You're life would just be a solitary picture (With no awareness that the picture is changing). In that scenario we would have no concept of time, no need for it, it just wouldn't exist. But things would still happen, events would still unfold, states transitioning from one to another. So, really, the only difference that causes "Time" to be something we talk about, is the fact that we are "aware" that stuff changes, and we must therefore categorise it! What I'm trying to say is "Time" is just a concept we've created, a way of explaining and referencing stuff that happens, but we cannot control it, we cannot "Go back in Time" or in any other direction for that matter because "Time" as an entity doesn't exist. All that's really happening is the movement of atoms/energy and the transitions of states. Really, if you wanted to appear to go "Back in Time". What you would have to do is take every single atom in the Universe and "Undo" their transitions (undoing as many transitions to get to the point in time you wish to be at), whilst of course not undoing any of the atoms in your own brain (otherwise you would not be aware that you'd done anything). Of course you've not REALLY gone back in time. You've just created a whole new set of atom transitions that happen to be in the exact same position they were once upon a time. It's kind've like driving a car forward, then reversing it back to the exact point it started at and saying "OMG my car travelled back in time!". You could get into the whole "Multiverse" theory of every outcome being possible. But that in itself has been blown out of proportion of the real theory. The "Real" Multiverse theory only applies to the quantum states of an atom (or something along that nature) and you would see no Real World differences (or at least no noticable ones). So even if the true Multiverse theory is correct then there's still no different versions of you, because your actions and appearance are not even remotely effected by the quantum states of atoms. (Although there was an amusing concept for an experiment that could create a noticable world difference. What you would do is somehow setup a firing mechanism for a gun to be linked to a particular quantum state of a given atom. So, depending on which way the quantum shifted, it would alter the outcome of whether the gun fired or not. Point this gun at yourself and then you could actually have a multiverse scenerio where you're dead and another where you're alive) So that destroys the myth that "Well actually if you go back in time you're moving to a different universe, and then you're effecting stuff in the universe you travelled to, but the original universe you came from remains the same, because as far as it's aware you just left". Because that's not how the multiverse theory works. Aaaaaaaaaanyhoooooooo. I've gone on long enough. In summary, Time doesn't exist - it's just a concept we use to give meaning to state transitions and events. With that in-mind it rules out all our notions and theories regarding time travel or anything along those lines, because you can't manipulate something that doesn't exist (My theory in Paragraph 7 is the closest approximation to time travel using stuff that does exist) Enjoy!
I remember when I followed all this time stuff. It gets too involved and it's just a big paradox. So now I mostly ignore it now. But if we ever went back in time, we already would have so time is static.