Remake Timberland

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by The Trivial Prodigy, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Hey everyone. TrivialProdigy here with another remake, this time, as the title suggests, it's Timberland. Why Timberland? Because it hasn't been done yet and I wanted a challenge, to put it shortly.

    I decided to build this map in Alaska for two reasons: It has the highest population density of trees, and because much of the terrain is similar to that of the original Timberland. Most of the map is comprised of Forge World's natural cover, with a few rocks here and there and some sweet classic-looking bases.

    You may be wondering why there is a sniper tower and a Shade turret on the map. Let me briefly explain. Because of the location I had to build the map in, blue base has an inherent height advantage over the red team. To counterbalance this, I decided to give red team a small Covenant sniper tower. The Shade, at least at first, was meant to balance the sniper tower a bit. The area it was in was relatively unused; originally, the third active camo in the original map would have spawned there. I thought the Shade was a better choice: It gives a nice vantage point without being too overpowering, and it's easily visible from other points on the map.

    Weapons/Vehicles (Spawn times are approximate)
    Machine Gun Turret|x2|90s
    Plasma Rifle|x2|30s
    Plasma Pistol|x2|30s
    Fuel Rod Gun|x2|90s
    Rocket Launcher|x2|90-100s
    Health Pack|x6|15s
    Active Camoflauge|x2|150s

    Warthog, Rocket|x2|80s
    Shade Turret|x1|90s

    There are no Armor Abilities that I would not recommend. The Jet Pack isn't a problem because there are soft kill barriers above the bases, preventing camping up there. Neither the Shade nor the rocket warthogs have proven any issues, nor has the existence of three powerups. Please enjoy this map. It plays best with CTF, Assault and Slayer variants, but should support others as well. Thanks for checking out the map!

    Plays best with teams of 6 or less.

    Blue Base

    Inside the 2nd floor of blue base. Each base has a magnum, AR, DMR, Health Pack and two frag grenades on this floor.

    Red base. Each base has a Ghost, a Rocket Warthog, a Warthog, & two Mongeese. They also have one machine gun turret each.

    Inside the 1st floor of Red base. The first floor contains a Health Pack, a DMR, A Plasma Rifle and a Plasma Pistol. PR and PP spawn near the lifts.

    A Needler, 2 Plasmas, a DMR and the Machine gun turret spawn in front of the bases.

    Red Rocket spawn, with 2 frags and an AR. You can also see blue Active Camo in the distance.

    Blue Rocket spawn

    Red Active Camo. Near each AC spawns a shotgun (limited ammo on most weapons, including these) and a health pack.
    *Note: This AC has been moved closer to the Deployable Tower.*

    The neutral overshield. This is also where the oddball and neutral bomb will spawn.

    The blue Ghost, with the base and a Shade turret in the distance.

    Red Ghost

    Blue Fuel Rod Gun and 2 plasmas. Blue Sniper spawns nearby on the rock in front, with a health pack.

    Red Fuel Rod

    Red Sniper sitting in the Covenant Deployable Tower.

    Action shots

    About to fail...

    Me, being assassinated by sneaky Psychoduck.


    BOOM, headshot.

    Defending the flag


    Silly blue, that's not how you hold a flag.

    Flag dropped.




    Home stretch...

    Before I leave, I'd like to thank The PsychoDuck for helping with spawns, feedback and general map improvements. I'd also like to thank all my testers, The Psycho Duck, HiddenGamer360, Inferno1995, iTz Ticky, Hi Im Erupt, cory021, The Berb 9, cluckinho10, xArctic Hunterx, Spencer B, and Zanshin420. Thanks for helping to test the map, and I hope everyone enjoys Timberland.

    EDIT: Pictures show up now. Enjoy.
    #1 The Trivial Prodigy, Apr 23, 2011
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well here's a reason why the testers guild is awesome. The first test did not go well, but after the changes I suggested were made, the map was much better. It does have that classic feel, and has some unique weapons and vehicles here. Niether the fuel rods or rocket hogs are overpowered. Great map man!
  3. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i thoroughly enjoyed myself when i played on this map. i love the use of the landscape and the forged covie sniper tower. the forging is clean and the weapon placement is sublime. i think the lifts actually work better than a ladder which it seems you initially tried to make.
  4. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys. Testing this map was a blast; everything went better than I expected.
  5. The Barracuda

    The Barracuda Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You asked for it...
    I never played the original so I will just comment on what I see here.
    To start of I like how your bases look. Most maps do have a lot of boring stuff and it just doesn't look good but these are very nice.
    It also is a good thing that you thought about balancing out the bases because of the height difference.
    The last thing I can think of is that this map deserves way more than just 10 downloads.
    People if you are reading this...give the map a download and try it out yourselfs!
    #5 The Barracuda, Apr 28, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2011
  6. Specter59

    Specter59 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow. This map really deserves more attention. I loved and still love to play timberland on ce and you have done an excellent job of bringing that experience to Reach. The map looks great and plays well. It brings new aspects to the timberland experience but retains the classic feel and play-style of the original. Very good work.
  7. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Just want to say thank you to everyone who has downloaded or helped test this map. I may also try to get a gameplay video of CTF going in this thread soon.

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