Tikita's Passion

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Sgt Avery Johnson, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. Sgt Avery Johnson

    Sgt Avery Johnson Forerunner

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    This is a race version roller coaster made ​​on the map storm. It is compatible with the Race mode and can be played to 12 people. For the name, i just imagined it :) . The path length is relatively short for my taste , but it really fun . At the outset, doors shields reappear during the game after 25 seconds to prevent the player to arrive too quickly to the next round . Otherwise nothing to say, exept to give me a comment ;) .


    Here's the start with a "river":


    Later with the first slope:


    The first loop:


    The descent to the Tunnel:


    The second loop:


    The last corners:


    The final straight with jump at the end:


    Edited by merge:

    Sorry for the second reply , but I finally managed to put the thumbnail ! :)
    #1 Sgt Avery Johnson, Sep 4, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2011
  2. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    I gave this map a go a few days ago and was impressed. The track may look a bit bumpy, but it races fairly smooth and has quite a fast pace.

    I really like the aesthetic look of the start, however it does hinder gameplay a little. The jump from the start to the actual beginning of the track causes some problems since you are forced to turn right away, so even if you manage to not flip from the rock sticking up, you still have to land perfect to make that turn. From there you have a rather enjoyable stretch of track that utilizes a one-way shield quite well to keep your wheels on the ground for a steep downgrade. However, soon after, you run into another hill (descent to the tunnel pic) without any assistance, in which you catch some decent air. This normally isn't a problem, but for some reason, you seem to flip more often than not, even if you hit it straight. The tunnel has a nice little rock jump to keep things interesting, and the ensuing portion of the track is relatively pain-free. The transition back to start seems a bit bland, as maybe you realized you were running out of pieces and just made a hill to finish the lap. Even with the man cannon, which is awkwardly placed, it still feels like a rather boring trek to the top.

    Overall, the track keeps a fun fast pace for the most part, but problems landing jumps hinders the overall flow of the map. Good forging for a first-timer, and I hope to see you posting some more racetracks in the future.
  3. Therenownedpuppy

    Therenownedpuppy Promethean

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    I like how you used another canvas map besides forge world. Especially because you used Tempest which gives it that aesthetic feeling to it. nice job
  4. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Too bad only one person can play on it.. ;)

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