Tight Corners

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by generalguppie, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. generalguppie

    generalguppie Ancient
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    Umm it is finished its tight corners final

    umm i made it with two flag CTF in mind but its good as a team slayer map as well.

    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    i just want to know what everyone thinks...i hope this isnt against the rules or anything...




    1 shotty
    1 sniper
    2 maulers
    2 plasma pistols
    2 plasma rifles
    2 carbines
    8 battle rifles
    6 assault rifles
    2 needlers
    4 spikers

    this is the finished version the one that i had posted a long time ago wasnt

    umm in the pics the shotty that is there is now a sword

    and i know theres alot of weps but they work

    edit: last map i have lol till i finish the one im on
    #1 generalguppie, Jan 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2009
  2. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    I love the layout of this fun. The middle looks so fun. I can already picture a huge fight in the middle with two teams whipping plasmas and shooting eachother to death. It looks like a ton of fun. A 4.5 out of 5 because it always needs a little improvement.

    Edit- One thing I noticed was a sort of stashy weapon style. Lots of power weapons placed close together. Mayby work on the weapon layout a little more.
  3. generalguppie

    generalguppie Ancient
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    yup every map need a little improvement BTW this was the first map in my map pack type of thingy
  4. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    yeah if you only want one of a type of weapon on the map, but it is symmetrical, so you have to put it in the middle and there is already something there... just don't put it there!
    easy enough...
    you don't need maulers or needlers.
    and choose sniper or shotty

    oh, general guppie, i have seen you around monitor built!
  5. generalguppie

    generalguppie Ancient
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    i didnt think the needlers were power weps but i will get rid of the sword and needles though i kinda like the maulers though they make it more interesting
  6. Spartan 396

    Spartan 396 Ancient
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    First off I'd like to say that the shotgun and sniper rifle are way to close together. I'd also like to point out that using weapon holders on Human weapons is usually really stupid looking, like now. I'd suggest removing them or at least embedding them into the boxes below; it will look much better.

    You should also move the plasma grenades around. It's not really good for game play with four plasma grenades stacked, sloppily together.

    Also, how many players is good for this map? I'd like to know when I play test it :D

    Thus far I'll give this map a 3.5/5. It seems like it has some potential.
  7. generalguppie

    generalguppie Ancient
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    the map when i played it last lol was fun with 4v4 i put the holders there to make the weps stand out
  8. yahtzee414

    yahtzee414 Ancient
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    looks potential-ish. To much of an armory feel though. But I like the middle and the interlocking.
  9. generalguppie

    generalguppie Ancient
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    thank you this is like the third time i redid this map the first one was all crooked the second one had WAY to many power weps and this one seems perfect to me...i either plan on adding one hall to each side of the map or a conveyer belt to the center
  10. x Paralyze x

    x Paralyze x Ancient
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    I personally think the map layout would make for great 3v3 possibly 4v4 team slayer, swat, etc. However, I think the weapons are a bit too close togeather and would cause spawn killing issues making the gameplay unbalanced. Very good map though. 4.5/5 from me =)
  11. generalguppie

    generalguppie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    with the spawn i have it set up so if people are in your base or around it you spawn near the power weps so you can drive em out

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