Tidal 2.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by stormRecon 2, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. stormRecon 2

    stormRecon 2 Forerunner

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    Recommended for 4v4

    Purely for fair and balanced gameplay. A competitive map for competitive players.

    2 bases, one red and one blue. Overshield Top Mid spawns in at 120 seconds to ensure that neither team gets an early lead using the teleporters located behind each base. Snipers spawn on the small walkways under In front and behind Top Mid. Shotguns spawn on the right hand side of Mid (from Red right and blue right respectively). Crouch jumping up to sniper walkways in possible but fairly time consuming.

    Made for 4v4 Team Slayer but also supports;
    - Neutral Bomb Assault (perfectly)
    - Multi Flag CTF (perfectly)
    - Crazy King (not much of a KotH map)

    Weapons on Map
    -Sniper x2
    -Shotgun x2
    -DMR x2
    -Needle Rifle x2






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