Thunder v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Marcara 08, Aug 24, 2008.

  1. Marcara 08

    Marcara 08 Ancient
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    This map was made for the sole purpose of being one of the simplest, smoothest and cleanest maps ever made. It supports 2v2 slayer, KoTH, Oddball and Terries. It might just support some other stuff but I can't quite remember. However, I'm sure the aforementioned game types should suffice.

    Thunder v2


    BR- 2 (10sec)
    Carbine- 2 (10 sec)
    Mauler- 2 (60 sec, pretty useless on this map...)
    Plasma Pistol- 1 (120 sec)
    Frag Grenade- 2 (10 sec)
    Plasma Grenade- 2 (10 sec)

    Take a look friends:

    As you can see it's all very simple and very clean. If you can believe it, most walls and boxes lined up with each other using the itsy bitsy little gray squares on the Foundry Floor. Much of Thunder v2 is really that precise.

    Now if you're going to say, "Put some weapon holders on the barriers because blah blah...." Don't bother. I know lots of people are going to say that. I don't know why everyone always says that you need weapons holders on barriers. I understand what they are meant to do but there is a fundamental problem. That is, Onslaught v5 doesn't have them.


    So why should I?

    Anyway enjoy the map! And take a look at 7th Column v2 which is definately my best map ever. Happy Forging everyone!

    Someone has addressed the "bump" at the top of some of the stairs. Frankly, it all depends on how your cross-hair is orientated (up will bump more often) and how you run up the stairs. (angled or straight) I realized that in certain instances you will bump, but it's the same on every MLG map. I've found ways to bump on Amp and Ons too. It isn't the biggest deal in the world really. Suffice to say you don't always bump every time you walk along the stairs and do not bump anywhere else. Even across the huge floor made of bridges. I'm proud of that.
    #1 Marcara 08, Aug 24, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2008
  2. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I thought the problem with weapon holders is that they were crap and who cares if something moves a little. =P
    Maybe thats just me.
  3. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    Man i love this man it looks really nice really well done
  4. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    7th looks better to me but this is cool too. It does have a really simple layout to it unlike 7th column. This one looks really small too. 4/5
  5. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    When you said "One of the simplist and cleanest maps I've ever made", I know what you mean, You could build this map in about 2 hours. (Maybe) Looks good so its 3.75/5. I would have given you a better rating but theres not a lot of cover on the ground floor. :( Which is a no no for me.
  6. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    well, you got the neatness part right. i love how it is just a simple map, and how it is also good gameplay. 5/5
  7. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    i like the layout and everything alot but what about spawn killing?
    other than that 4.999999999......

    .......out of 4.999999999
  8. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    nice map, it's pretty plain but also creative. for some reason it reminds me of a 007 golden eye map, i don't know why.
  9. DeadeyeForge

    DeadeyeForge Ancient
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    I guess if you wanted it to work decent and be smooth you did good, but the stairs have a bump. To prevent that you have to raise the box by half a fence wall. Otherwise, there's spawn killing. And sorry another thing, if you put bridges on their original side, the silver area has no bump if you morph them into each other by 1 fence wall.
  10. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    This map is definitely really simple, but that is what makes it great. A lot of other maps are really confusing because they are too complicated. And I have a question: how did you make the floating floor perfectly level? Try as I might, I can't do that.
  11. colbster94

    colbster94 Ancient
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    this map make meh happy! this map ftw! lolzorz

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