Through forgeworld sky barrier

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Posteezy, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. Posteezy

    Posteezy Forerunner

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    Don't know if any one else has done this but if you need to go any higher on forgeworld for any reason send me a friend request with message askin bout it and I'll take you in my map so u can save a copy of it, or I'll put it my fileshare if enough ppl want it. You can't go a whole lot higher before the out of bounds countdown starts but it is a good bit higher than original. GT: posteezy

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Can you place objects above the soft ceiling?

    I have a map where i use the upper boundary to keep players in. One corner is lower than the others due to the soft ceiling and the game will not allow me to place one of the corner pieces any higher. (see upper right corner)


    Will this allow me to spawn an object above the barrier, and drop it down into place from above?
  3. Posteezy

    Posteezy Forerunner

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    I would think it would work. You can go back through the barrier it just slows ur fall when u hit it. I haven't actually tried placing stuff through it from the top though but from my experience so far I would say yes. I dropped objects through it just haven't tried to place them like u say. Send me a friend request and message about. The map I have just has a teleporter placed up there on a pyramid so you would have to start over. Or come mess around in forge with me and I'll see if I can show u how to do it. It took me a while the one and only time I have but should be easier next time.

    GT: PoSteezy
  4. gabotron15

    gabotron15 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why don't you instead post a link to the map so we can download it?
    P.D: is there any way to bypass the 10 seconds forge world areas, should be interesting to forge there.
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I'll try it if you post a link.
    Seriously how can you already be using all your fileshare slots?
  6. Posteezy

    Posteezy Forerunner

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    I don't know how to get past the out of bounds countdown. If you go too high it does it too. I can put it in my fileshare when I get on later. I'll post on here when it's up. Hopefully we can find a way past the countdown boundaries too.
  7. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I guess I didn't understand. So you have no way of taking us out of where we could normally go in monitor mode?
  8. Posteezy

    Posteezy Forerunner

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    Yes in forgeworld there is no countdown when u hit the sky barrier (which is like hitting an invisible wall). This map puts u above the sky barrier, once past it u can go higher before actually hitting the countdown for going out of bounds. It's in my fileshare if u don't believe me download it and try and fly up to the pyramid or platform in monitor mode before you actually go through the teleporter that you'll spawn in front of. Sorry don't know how to post a link to it just go to my fileshare it's the only thing in it. Let me know if this was helpful for any of you after you check it out especially first poster. I will continue to try and push the limits of forge and the maps so let me know. Thanks

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The area above the soft ceiling is very high but there is a soft kill volume above it. You can fly around and forge as normal in this area but i can't advise placing game related items up there as Bungie has been known to tweak kill volumes.

    If you are having difficulties placing objects against the soft ceiling you can spawn the object from above the soft ceiling and lower the object into place.

    Getting out is extremely simple. Spawn a 2 way teleporter in your work area. Go as high as possible and press up against the soft ceiling. Look up, spawn a 2 way teleporter and set it to 'Fixed'. Go back to the first teleporter and set the top measurement to 2.0. Fly through the top of the teleporter light.
    #9 NOKYARD, Sep 19, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2010
  10. Posteezy

    Posteezy Forerunner

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    Thanks I appreciate this bit of info. Also for an easier way of doing it than what i had done.

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