Re: Thriller V2. This map looks like a lot of fun. I'll have to download it to get a feel for the layout. I'll be back after a forge-through.
Re: Thriller V2. I'm glad you got rid of oddball, the games were over way too quick (mostly cuz I sucked at it). The rickets should be a little hard to get too, so no n00bs be cheap with it, besides all the people I've aged with have had no problem getting to it. As for the respawn, I don't think there is much more to be done, Iwas with him when he was placing more starting points, and I saw that there were actually a lot spread out in the map, and its just that we spawn near eachother mostly out of dumb luck.
Re: Thriller V2. this looks simply amazing Add me if u will and play with me next time u get on Gt: iversonrocks03
Re: Thriller V2. Please do, I'd like some more feedback other than Matty's - more than one opinion. Thanks for the DL. Yes, Oddball sucked (mostly 'cuz you sucked at it). The rockets aren't hard to get to at all IMO, but players with itchy fingers might jump too early and hit the side of the fence. As for spawning issues, I'm fairly sure that I fixed all completely horrible spawns, but you'll still spawn near someone sometimes out of 'dumb luck'. Thank you, I'm glad you like it. Send me a FR (I've gotten a lot from people I don't even know recently) and I'll play a few rounds with you.
Re: Thriller V2. Ok im back with my detailed description of critizim These are the cons- 1> the spawning system sucks. I actually fixed this on my own by taking the respawn areas out and putting double spawn points. 2> Regenerator & bubble shield I think that the bubble shield and regenerators are waaaayyyy TOOO overpowered, FIX IT OR KILL IT 3> this is my biggest problem, you have no pictures of me, u gotta get that fixed.... PROS 1> The interlocking is brilliants 2> ur so fat 3>i didnt say that 4> the free for all gametypes are awesome
Re: Thriller V2. the spawn system has already been basically fixed. He placed more starting points and the respawn points are thorougly spread out. I don't see how placing another spawn point I. Top of another one helps the problem, because there is now twice as many chances to spawn at each spot, so it still stays the same.
Re: Thriller V2. Thanks, thought that's not much of a detailed review. And hello. The spawning system in V2 is fixed. In V3 I'm replacing the bubble sheild with a power drainer, which spawns at 90 seconds. I find this very effective because it spawns 30 seconds earlier than the regenerators, and also cancels their effect. For your biggest problem, get off gears and join one of my matches . Thank you for the interlocking comment, I appreciate it, buy you're fat, I did say that (multiple times, I may add), and I thank you again for the FFA comment. I like them a lot, also, but I rarely win them . Yes, the spawning system has been fixed, but not in the ways you've mentioned. I've taken away many spawning and starting points from the base area and spread the around the map. I've turned over a fence cage and placed more in there, along with a carbine. In V3, I'm merging the bottoms of the fence cages into the ground, so there is no annoying bump. Thriller V3 coming soon. After the month of hard work it took to make this, I'm disappointed in the lack of attention this thread is getting, please try and DL (if you haven't already) and leave a review! I would appreciate it dearly.
Re: Thriller V2. powerdrainer is a good idea because no one can stop the allmighty regenerator In mosh pit
really fun map you got going here had alot of fun on this, i like the way you set it out good work. Koth is the best
wow, nice job dom, i really liked the layout of this map, and though not alot of people i know like koth, i am sure going to try to get a game in of koth on this, it would be epic, keep up the good work man, maybe u could get maroon one day
Map Name: Thriller V3. Author: Dom Says Oi Reviewed By: L0N3 S0LD13R Enjoyment: 7/10 This map was not calling for it to be played again. But no one was calling it to end. In one slayer game, they came back, which was extremely fun. KoTH stayed in one room, so we were just running into one room, over and over. That was the reason this map did not score any higher. Balance: 6.5/10 Balance is one of the weaker points of the map. In theory, the grav lifts should provide a way to counter the plasma grenades, but it is rarely used. And when it is, it is a torrent of players, running into their doom. If you control the room, it is almost impossible to take it back. Durability: 6.5/10 There are no spawn areas for KoTH, the recommended gametype, maybe some others. So naturally it's random, and that dissuades spawn camping to some degree. But there is a small funnel, and 4 plasma grenades, to hold off two tunnels, and two grav lifts. The map is quite easy to escape, a partner bounce to freedom. A few players exploited this glitch during gameplay, detracting from the fun. Aesthetics: 8.5/10 The main room looks quite amazing. Everything is amazingly interlocked, and little platforms lead to the rocket launcher. But the side hallways look slightly not up to par, due to the rest looking so good. Foundry's floor killed the atmosphere while going into the main room. Originality: 7/10 This map is a mix of Epitaph and Isolation. So it is not terribly original, but it feels like it's own map in its right. The grav lifts are done originally, I haven't seen it before. But it's not a crazy new idea, but still cuts it. Overall score (Average of the above): 7.1/10 This map could be improved on in spawns and map flow. The map needs to draw people to the grav lifts. I also recommend adding a dumpster of something related to the little drop down, to make the center room more easily attacked. Increase spawn time on grenades to 20 on two first ones, and the second one in each couple should be 30-45 seconds. It looked good, was competitive, and overall passed.
Mallet does have a good point on how all the good maps now a days aren't getting any attention as they used to for a map like this. I think this map looks really good so now i'm going to see if it plays really good.