
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LunarD3mon, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. LunarD3mon

    LunarD3mon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by LuNaR D3MoN
    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Slayer
    Map Description
    Threshold is almost 100% symmetrical and features two bases with 2 levels. Each base has a mongoose for quick travel around the map. In the alley between the bases there is a Gravity Hammer and Overshields. A Sniper Rifle and Beam Rifle are atop each base and there are Plasma Cannon Turrets on floating single boxes for each base. Other weapons and equipment you can find around the map are Battle Rifles, Carbines, Plasma Rifles, SMG's, Spikers, Magnums, Brute Shots, Frag/Plasma/Spike/Flame grenades, Power Drains, Flares, Regenerators, Bubble Shields, and Deployable Covers. Threshold is best suited for Team Slayer matches with 4-10 players, however I don't see how FFA Slayer matches would not work.
    The "A" Base exterior
    The "B" Base exterior
    Alley between bases where Gravity Hammer and Overshields Spawn.
    Secondary base structure (each base has one).
    View of the tops of both bases ("A" base in foreground).
    Plasma Cannon Turret of "B" base ("A" base turret in background).
    Behind the bases.
    Please download this map, play on it with your friends, and let me know what you think! I am open to positive and negative feedback and am willing to fix/add onto the map. Thanks and enjoy!
    Download Threshold
  2. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    It's a good try, but is put to shame by most other maps here on FH. It's completely symmetrical, which is the easiest way to even out game play, but that also lacks creativity. Like your said, Team Slayer would be best for this map, but I could see it being compatible for Paintball.

    Keep trying, but next time go for something original, something both visually appealing and compatible for game play. GL with Future maps!

    EDIT: The term 'Threshold' means an opening or doorway. What does that have to do with the map? >__>
  3. LunarD3mon

    LunarD3mon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks and I appreciate your honest opinion. I know that 'Threshold' means that, my friend recommended the name and it sounded cool at the time so that's what i used. This is my first map that I spent a decent amount of time working on so hopefully my future maps will be better.

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