Sandbox Threshold

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rorak Kuroda, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  2. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    That was a fun read. I like the map. Its an interesting design and there is some nice architecture.

    Off topic. Whenever I see your name, I think of the song Ay Sharona. But replace it with your name. Im weird like that.
  3. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    That's pretty amazing to say the least. The areas that stood out the most were the places in the first and second picture, as well as the overshield area. The aesthetics look absolutely gorgeous and very creative. Although I have two questions. Where does the teleporter lead to and what did you use to make this post look so amazing? Great job on both the post and map. But I probably won't download since I'm not the competitive map kind of person.
  4. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    This is so amazingly crafted, with every little detail really adding up to an amazing experience. You did an awesome job with the balance, even with all the different levels. My favorite part was strangely the fusion coils. The way you actually made them look like part of the map rather then just placing them wherever was a good move. You're an incredible forger and I'm looking forward to seeing what you create in Reach.
  5. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The teleporters lead to the top, in small boxes to create a height advantage, though they have no cover. And MultiLockon was the epic person behind the creation of this thread. He used photoshop.
  6. Heavy T 79

    Heavy T 79 Ancient
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    Howdy! This Map looks great and Map-Post looks professional.
    The Map improves your Skills as a Forger.
    Havent played yet, but i will download it and play it as soon as possible.
    After that i will edit this post to give you Feedback.
    The first Impression: Awesome!
  7. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Needs moar [float] tags.

    Seriously though, I do not have a single negative comment about this map. There's some really unique architecture and aesthetics (that bad ass gold ramp) and it features some of the most balanced and enjoyable gameplay in a 2v2 map. I'm glad to have had the chance to test Threshold every once in a while and I know you're going to excel in Reach.

    onmomnominated for feature.
  8. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    WOW! Just the work you put into the thread is great! But the forging is just amazing!
    Defiantly downloaded, great job my friend. 10/10
  9. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    You'd better run little man.
  10. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Heeeey you didn't mention that this map was made for a tournament, and even though me and Bartoge got our asses kicked, I thoroughly enjoyed testing Threshold. Also, great job on the thread, Kuroda, you really out did yourself.
  11. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Wow very nice looking map, I spy very creative architecture. The against the wall layout reminds me of an early Sandbox map by Titmar, and if I weren't so lazy I would link it, but here we are. Wonderful Job Kuroda.
  12. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Enjoyment: Threshold is a great map. Gameplay is nearly flawless in every way and it isn't difficult to keep a good - fun game running on it for a good amount of time. If Halo 3 was still at i's peak, Threshold would be a relic among forgers. The well forged structure allows for little frustration when traversing the map, and it's easily accessible areas allow for flowing combat scenarios. There is, however, that problem with originality that becomes ever prominent as we grow closer to Halo: Reach. There's little to do about this, but what keeps a map enjoyable has changed over the years. Good, original, maps have become ever more scarce as map ideas for Halo 3's Forge becomes scarce.


    Balance: There is no significant problem with balance in the game. The hot spot is the upper platform where the drop-down is, but there is no solid way of dominating the game at that point. There is many different ways for players to infiltrate and take over the top, and there is also many defendable tactics that can take place on the platform. The two balance out perfectly; not making the upper platform any more overpowering then it should. Doing this is one of the more difficult things to accomplish during gameplay testing, so doing this is something worth recognition.

    There is nothing, however, that really makes the map creative in how it is balanced. Just like any standard 2v2 map, there is a Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle and a few filler weapons (Battle Rifles, Carbines, Assault Rifles, etc.) The map could have been more unique in style and gameplay if risks were taken with something more creative.


    Durability: In the sense of break-ability, the map is basically impenetrable. If there is a statistic that proves otherwise, then the score can surely be changed appropriately. Otherwise, things like spawn placement and exploits of certain weapons or vantage points were essentially non-existent. Whether it's simply be in the design, or something that needed a great amount of effort, keeping this in check is another achievement worth recognition.


    Aesthetics: There isn't much to be said about Aesthetics. There are bits and pieces of the map that are aesthetically pleasing, and overall the map provides small bits of aesthetic work. Small things like this gives the map better quality, and overall is generally something players like so see. Something that could have been done, however, would be a structure that is more stand-outish. Something that makes the players stop and look for a second. On the contrary, the map could get along just fine without it, and could not even be possible because of budgetary reasons.


    Originality: It is almost impossible to come across an original map with Halo: Reach only a few weeks away. Halo 3 is coming to a close and all original map ideas have basically been exhausted. However, there is no doubt that one can still be produced. Unfortunately, this is not one of them. Though I wouldn't consider originality to bring down the quality of a map at this point in Halo 3's life, it is still necessary to see some amount of originality in any map.


    Overall: 35/50

  13. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I must thank you so much Redneck, for giving an excellent, honest review of my map. I honestly would've scored it a tad lower if I were to base my own review on the same system. (Not biased at all, right?) But again, thank you for taking the time to put in that old, dusty halo 3 disk to take a good look at Threshold. I have no complaints about the score whatsoever.
  14. goop

    goop Ancient
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    When I saw the first pic I think my jaw dropped. I have not scene anyone use so many unique architectural elements on a map and just before Reach comes out. I have not seen this kind style before, the map just has so much of a different and unique feel to it. Some maps seems smooth, others clunky, some even just well-organized but this one give me a really unique feeling closer to just mind bending. I am impressed by the uniqueness of this map. Great job, I do not feel that 7.0 review does it any justice from an architectural point of view, bravo my friend, bravo.
  15. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    The building quality looks quite solid. It's time I delve back into forge, and this looks like a great place to start. Were there any elements that were quite difficult to forge? It looks quite pristine, I'd imagine that this map took considerable time to create.

    The only other thing I can say, is that it's impossible to read your text when viewing in the "old school" skin.
  16. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    When I forge, depending on the amount of inspiration, time, and dedication I have at the exact moment when I start the map. In this case, I completed the map in about three days. You can imagine the type of forging high I was on. However, there were months of testing, all in preparation for the XF 2v2 tourney. So I'm pretty happy with the final result.

    In terms of what things were difficult and what aspects weren't, well, nothing on the map was particularly difficult to create. What was more aggravating was trying to assure that the upper platform didn't completely dominate the map, even if it was the general choke point. The thing that really saddens me about the map is that it really isn't built for casual players or games. If you're a competitive player who communicates with his team, then this map would be perfect for you. Casual players just have a tendency to rush the top, taking the same route, not thinking through any sort of major strategy.
  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I think those players who you refer to as "casual" just haven't gotten enough time on your map. I'm sure given multiple sessions, people will (hopefully) change their strategy, just like any map Bungie creates. Once a player learns the map flow, people tend to not rush high traffic areas as much. There is sort of a learning curve to them, which I think is a good thing. So I wouldn't worry about it too much, unless you have some areas where pro jumps are absolutely necessary to navigate the map, but that doesn't look like the case.

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