These are three shots I took recently. Not my best, but I think they're okay. Let me know what you think. Forge 006 (No name) Glitter(Technically, my first "scenic" shot) Deadly Rose
Very well done leeumm.I like your first scenery picture you have there.It fits the lighting as in black.Rose is awsome,but it has no lighting and angle to it.The first one is too dark,but I love the colors,angle,and sniper.Overall I like them.
I find glitter to be the best out of the three. I think you should use it, if possible, for sigs or something writing related. Could look extremely sick. The other two I do not find as good. They just seem like all of the others because nothing sets them apart.
I really like Deadly Rose. The machine gun turret being translucent looks really awesome and I like how it is the focal of the screenshot instead of the spartan. Good job.
That actually would be pretty awesome. I just suck at things like that. =P The first and second were both taken on Orbital.
Outside orbital or just taken near a window?But glitter is a very good start with scenery pic taking.Again,good job done Leeumm.
Glitter was taken outside of Orbital, but the first one was taken inside of a room on the map OutOfOrbital, which can be downloaded here, if you don't have it. There's a teleporter near the Rocket spawn that leads to a shaft with a Man cannon in it. Near the top, there's two ledges you can stand on. Each one makes your Spartan completely black, much like the blue or black room on Snowbound.
I like pic 1 and 3, but glitter seems to be too ...(vocabulary fail)... corny? Anyways, those runes on the turret in picture three are great. Half-camo?
Dang, what would really cool is if you get a spartan standing in your glitter picture. Is that possible?
Full camo. When you have full camo and you start shooting with the turret, it stays camoed but you're solid. I wish it was. The way I did it was, outside of Orbital, I put on Pen & Ink, Juicy and Gloomy and went directly in the center of a nade. Unfortunately, the Spartan turns out to be a huge glob of light in the picture. I tried. =(
What if you had lots of people throw a craploads of nades? You think there would be enough room for a spartan?
The second one is very unique, but the last one has to be my favorite out of all of these. That is a very interesting effect you got. I am typing and thinking at the same time how you got that pink light. Nice job
Awsome pics i love deadly rose a lot...if you dont mind me asking do u take yor pics by urself or wit sum1 els
I take almost all of my pictures by myself. Sometimes I sign in another controller as a guest if I need a rocket or laser for an effect, but it's usually by myself.
thats awsome man i love ur screen shots...if u dont mind i just made a post in the screenshot discussions id like you to check it out.Keep up the great work ur screenshots are epic even ur worst ones...would love to take some screenshots wit u 1 day if u want