Hi Forge Hub Community, This is another map I've made recently and wanted to share with you all. I have had trouble coming up with original designs for maps and whilst playing the gears of war 3 beta I noticed I really liked the layout of the map Thrashball. This is my modified recreation of the map in halo forge pieces, I hope you guys enjoy and please give me feedback. Remember if you like it get your friends to play and just have fun, Thanks.
Amazing map! I love the whole battlegrounds that has the grass floor reminds me of a gladiator arena. If I were you I'd make a game mode of gladiators and make it once you leave the room the game starts! Great map, but seems like it has more potential for a game mode!
Since this is my second favorite (Go checkout!) in the beta I felt obligated to post. Now as you probably know converting a map from a different game is harder then it looks. Especially since gears is a third person, stick to cover kinda game, not to mention it has almost no vertical gameplay. I'm not sure if you were going for accuracy/gameplay/aesthetics. Your accuracy is close but needs work, your gameplay looks kinda bad just because gameplay is faster in reach when compared to gears. I deal like more cover is needed or double the size of all cover pieces on your map. Your aesthetics are pretty good and probably your strongest area. Either way good job and keep it up.
The middle peice has a big part in gameplay.. you should have 2 different versions maybe. One with the middle peice and one without. Also making the settings as close as possible to the Beta would be an amazing remake. Alot of things could be the same as the Beta like Evade.