Special Weapons And Tactics Hi I'm Thorax tehGREAT as I'm known on Xbox Live. I will be teaching you how to become better at S.W.A.T. 1) Choosing a race: Belive it or not it can make a difference. Choosing the Spartan: Pros: Harder to hit than the Elite in the front and is much skinnier Cons:Easier to hit from behind and is taller than the Elite Choosing the Elite Pros: Shorter and very hard to headshot from behind Cons:Very easy to hit from the front and is fatter 2) Choosing a role:The are many different roles to choose from so choose wisly Support: They will draw enemies fire and attention away from teammates. They are usally fairly well entreched behind somthing. Flanker: This class runs to get behind enemy lines and elimnate the enemy teams. Baiter:This class is best done by a Elite. You will lure enemies to waiting teamates. Also if you become a master you are a masterbaiter:squirrel_giggle:. Sniper: Do not wear Hyobusa(spelled wrong I know) for its spike will give you away. This class can also double as support. These people get into a spot and hold choke points. Defender:This class defened the base or oddball in objective games. Ambusher:Best played as Elite Because they are shorter. You wait in corners and in the shadows for unexpecting enemies to walk by and then you strike. Guerrilla:As the name implies it uses gurrilla tactics. You never stop moving, you show up take a few shots and then leave hopfully disrupting the enemy. 3) Teamwork:Choosing the team When working as a team it is much more effective in 4 v 4 to work in pairs rather as than one big unit. Good pairings: Guerrilla + Guerrilla Baiter + Sniper Baiter + Ambusher Support + Flanker Ambusher + Ambusher 3 v 3 is a different you must work as a team Good Teams Support + Support + Flanker Baiter + Ambusher + Ambusher Sniper + Support+ Support Guerrilla + Gurrilla + Guerilla Ambusher + Ambusher + Ambusher 4) The gametypes: The are Regular SWAT-You Spawn with Br and magnums and head at it. This is the most common and most fun. ShWATguns- This is the scruge of swat. It requires no skill. Pray you have connection host Swatball- Teams battle it out to 200. Try to get the ball to an easly defendable spot I.E. Bubble Shield Spawn in Foundry ; Near Shotgun Spawn on Snowbound Magnums- Teams start with magnums. I hope this guide helps -Thorax tehGREAT
I understand that you took some time to make this guide and everything, but this is all complete bull ****. You do not need to play a role in a team to be successful. When you try to play a role in a team, you focus on an itty bitty part of the game. If you focus on sniping especially in SWAT you will be killed very soon, for not moving. Choosing a role is just childish. This whole guide was pretty much a waste, I hope you get some satisfaction from making this and wasting a few minutes of your life.