This WOULD be in my signature lol

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HellsRequiemAMX, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
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    Hey guys as you know I have been warned for spam and I thought even though I have been warned it doesn't change my opinion on this community nor the members of this community in fact I love this place, now let me cut the crap(touchy crap) and get to my point, I made a userbar, I managed to whip it up in about... 7 minutes and 41 seconds:


    Its pretty basic but I am going to have it in my signature when I get that privilege back, also CnC is not really wanted for this since its just a userbar showing my status as a "SlipknoT Junkie", now enjoi.
  2. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    your warned!!! wow yah the spamming has been a huge issue lately, i have a point for that as well... and i cant believe your already a cavalier. taht sig looks really cool. you should definitely use it as your signature. when does yours expire?mine does in about a week.
    HOLY CRAP!! 28 posts a day??? thats more than nemihara if im not mistaken.
    yah, nemihara only has 12 a day. i only have about 3... crazyness
  3. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Wiggum. Getting to cavalier was easy, just be good at PS and you can do quite a bit of CnC and posting signatures. A week but please don't go off topic, I am trying to enforce that since I had an issue with "off topicness". Back on topic as of... now.
  4. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Meh, looks the same as your last sig, just smaller, with a few differences, any ways, wasn't fond of the last one, and I'm not fond of this either, your more skilled than this.
  5. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
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    I know but since the image I was using was very small I just wanted to have a bar in my signature, my actual signature is not nearly this "lazy" as the bar. My signature that I shall make will be something with anime most likely, probably from DeathNote and maybe it might be L or might be Yagami Light, tough decision both characters are cool, anyways back on topic about this userbar.
  6. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Post count doesn't mean anything.

    Anyway, it looks exactly the same as your sig, only smaller.

  7. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    You? making a deathnote sig? Lol, jk. Yeah, you did better with those sigs, this one is just flat out boring. Your good with all those c4d like things you used in your SOTW, and that blue sig you had, imo, you should stick to sig similar to that, not that change is bad, your just talented at making those kind of sigs.
  8. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    please don't say anything about the quote I like to see what I'm talking about...

    anyway is it just me or is this a cut out of your old sig with a new text job and some scan lines...
    I don't know much about userbars but aren't the supposed to be smaller anyway looks ok I guess.

    and on a off topic note hahahaha your warned...
  9. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
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    Thank you Lock for comment you cheered me up even more after that squirrel picture, I had a bad day... Do not PM me about it because I will not talk about it... yet..

    Also this is just a userbar to represent my junkie status lol, never thought it was such a big hassle but heck I asked for it :D.

    Sorry for breaking your heart Vinny lol. I am going to make a signature now because I really feel that I need to...

    *EDIT* Icecikle made me :( for laughing at me :( wahhhhhhhhhhhhhwahwhawhawhawhwawah.

    Topic is done, thanks for comments I am not posting any more i---- nevermind one more because Vinny posted after me lololol.
  10. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You've already started to piece it back together, baby.
  11. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, its what I do, piece it back together, next step; open photoshop. Now seriously I am not replying here anymore lol, thanks for comments on userbar, I shall not make a userbar for a while...

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