Shut up Wii60 Owner, be xxGayboyxx and then tell how bad it is. Anyway, you chose the name. You're fault.
You really shoudn't be judging FH after a few members, especially bnasty. He will be rude, weird and rude, and weird, but that's just how he is. Give him a chance ^^
So this is who I am looking up to? A bunch of arrogant jerks who only play with the best forgers in town? They don't even give me a chance to get to know the group and whatnot. Why are you looking up to people you met on a forum anyway? Find better role models.
Screw that, I'm teh bestest role model. Look up to me, and together, we'll mount an insurrection against the bourgeois menace. Or Hannah Montana, either or. And anyone that knows me knows that I'm horrible at Halo. Absolutely horrible.
*high fives all jerks around* I'm buying the beer! Anyways, you think this site is full of asses because some one said you had a bad name. That's NOTHING to get flamed over, and nothing to throw a hissy fit over. Grow sum bawls.
my computer apps teacher got mad at me last week, because supposedly i was having a hissy fit. i dont like that woman. very...pms-ie-ish-like
You guys disgust me. Ugh. Beta you're a hypocrite, you know why. Most people on this site are actually really nice, or they're just joking if they insult you. Bnasty is your typical 6 year old teenager. This is what you get when you have a community which is 99% male. Bite a syringe and grow a sense of testicles.
Just because a single person on this site said your GT sucked doesn't mean that everyone is a jerk, i think that ur opinion would be classified as steriotipical i think bnasty was jokking
i'm trying to figure out how to jokk... but there are no people on this site who are mean on purpose, they may have a joke every now and again, but we are a very friendly community, and no one here would ever do that.
Oh, and because I didn't get around to this yet: "This site is made of jerks" And it's supported by retards.
I'm mean on purpose but it doesn't get me anywhere, I just do it to try and squeeze a laugh out of at least 1 person, even if it is at someone else's account .... Sorry in advance to anyone I piss off ...
they could've said worse things than "oh look at that guys gt it sucks" they couldve not invited you at all, and seriously, you should've told them right then and there that it was really gay of them to say that, instead of letting your balls retract into your ass and post a topic about it and never play with them again
Woah, what happened while i was gone from this topic? If you could please read my post of apology, it would make things go much smoother. I already said that I mis-lead people that I was talking about all of Forgehub, but im not. And I have forgiven bnasty for his behavior, blah blah etc etc. Also when i said "look up to them" I meant people that make maps. Of course these people aren't the ones I look up to in real life for help, im just talking about when it comes to forging. Does this answer your guys' questions? Edit : JDoerr, the party was open. No one invited me, I just kinda jumped in and thought it was gonna be a fun party of custom games and whatnot.