I got through cancer. That is good. Now I have to get through hurricane ike. It is coming toward me and sgt.pepper. I have to deal with it. I am freaking pissed. Someone hold me
I would hold you but I live in landlocked Colorado and the hurricane would be gone by the time I get there. Ike... that's a silly name. I've only seen it in South Park and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Here's a hand. No seriously, that sucks. BTW, just asking, have you evacuated, or are you holding it out? Don't worry, Forgehub is here to stand with you again. And sgt.pepper, can't forget him.
Where do you live? If its Texas, good luck. I'm in Florida, and Ive been lucky this hurricane season...so far. They did cancel school on the second day though
Pack your bags, take your computer, grab some oreos, and leave the house. Then move to a safer location. Preferably not Tornado Alley.
I'd love to hold you, But I'm too lazy to go anywhere, and I don't think your little evacuation plan makes any stops in Alaska. I've heard about this hurricane, and it sounds vicious. But it'll never be a Katrina. Unlike katrina, any socks you left behind WILL eventually dry. (You don't have to get that joke...) But I wish I could say I've been there, but nothing interesting ever happens here. It's a Bore HOLE. But whatever. Good Luck!
yo that does suck...where do you live? Hurricane Ike just passed me thsi week, i live in Miami...........
Hey, I'm in Houston, too. I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. We might be evacuating tomorrow if the storm gets any worse (I know, it's a mighty late start), but I know exactly how you feel about this. Except for the cancer thing recently. I hope I never know how that is.
Guess what? If you all survive Hurricane Ike, we'll all still have to deal with the LHC making black holes and whatnot. Isn't life fun?
Where do you live? I hear that it is supposed to be really strong. Like really really strong. I hope you get out of there.
Well I live in Chicago, Illinois and this whole entire week it rained every day and tonight it is supposed to rain. All of this is due from the hurricane you are talking about.
Ooooh you got it tough. I hope your alright up there, good luck. I know what you mean about Chicago rain, I used to live there, and when it started, it wouldn't stop. At least thats how I remember it, its been a while. Here in Florida, its on and off. But, we have our Hurricanes, like Killon is experiencing right now. I think it was set to make landfall tomorrow. I hope everything turns out alright.
from what i hear on the news ike's gonna be bad (like every other hurricane) hope you come out of it ok Lucky for me i live in Australia and we don't get hurricanes but anyway hope nothin bad happens and you come out of it ok
GET TO THA CHOPPA! lol no but Ike is only classified as a tropical storm now (i think) so it wont be as bad, but still, stay safe