um...aesthetics map section maybe? If you want something either forge it yourself or ask the community to see what they can produce.
People generally make aesthetic maps towards imitating something, like a dragon or whatever. Machinima maps are largely left to machinimakers since making a "hallway" or a "headquarters" would hardly be exciting enough for anyone to download here. I make very complicated machinima maps, but those are for my own, unfinished endeavors.
^Pretty much. What you may want to do, if you need a map for a machinima is either: Make the map yourself Request another forger or forgers to work on a map for you Be comtempt with the Aesthetic maps already available on the site You get the idea...
The level of Halo Machinima is very low. Even Rooster Teeth have droppeda bit since BG Chronicles Season 5. The problem is not with the sets, its mostly to do with with unoriginality and people trying to make an Interent hit in an afternoon. The people who realise this and do spend time on their films will also realise its best to make there own sets. PIE is probably one of the best Halo films (well, its a 3 part series) to date and that was made using existing scenery in maps along with a lot of editing during post production. I just don't see any need for a Machinima Map section, but people are still welcome to request maps if they want.
sho should try this one fuzziwig is the best aesthetic map maker ever!