Description: Mansion made with Objective gametypes in mind. Mainly a Slayer, One Flag, and One Bomb map. Download Source:Fileshare Slot No.6 Images: ForntLeft View FrontRight View Outside Left Outside Right Courtyard View From Left of Mansion Internal View #1 Internal View #2 SkyLight From RoofTop
looks cool but I think cover outside the mansion may be lacking a lil Also in the picture, is that guy trying to shoot through that shield door lol
I think that you should put a courtyard or like one of those parking lots with fence gates and stuff to provide more cover for the out side. This will make the map look a lot more fuller and gameplay wise provide great cover outside. I like how the mansion looks (must have took a while to make) and overall could be a really great map, but you need some stuff outside.
Wow thats a really nice mansion! You could of done more with the space outside of the mansion though.
thanx for the comments,.. i built this on an un-budget glitched map. So my budget was hindered. Also I had already used all my single/double walls, and all my fence walls for the main structure. So as far as the outside is concerned I had to "make" do. That is one reason for the turret outside, hopefully it will deter people from trying to come out of the house. once again thanks for the comments,.. try to play on it. let me know what happens.