Okay, this is quoted from a topic that I posted on Bungie's Forums: Quoted from a topic I made on Bungies Forums: Okay so I turn on my xbox and load up Reach right? I get to the main menu and it comes up showing the welcome screen where you choose your gender, yadda yadda yadda. I'm thinking "Wait, what?? I'm a warrent officer, not a new person..." So I just go with it and redo my armor and emblem and all that. Then I go to the campaign and that's when I see it. All my missions are gone. No game completed on Heroic, no missions solo'd on Legendary. Nothing. What the hell happened?! I know for sure I didn't turn it off or dashboard during a save, so where's all my stuff??? Anyone else have this happen?
Did you accomplish all of those things while connected to XBL or were you offline? Seems like I remember Bungie stating something about that in one of their Friday updates a few weeks ago, that if you did certain things offline, such as earning credits and what not, that you shouldnt expect them to be there when you connected to the net. Not sure why, guess its to keep ppl from manipulating the credit system offline, then connecting to XBL and have automatic ranking up.
That was referring, I believe, to people who played the game before the release. The credits they earned where wiped a day before the release. The downside to playing offline is you don't get as many credits as fast. Besides, I don't think they would erase your Campaign data just because you did it offline. There isn't a reason to reset that. It doesn't affect how fast you get anything.
Everything was done online. I still have my rank and credits and purchases and all that. It even says on my service record that I've started the campaign on Legendary =/ I'm hoping I can just finish some on easy then move to Legendary and pick up where I left off.
No, that was something else. If you have an offline profile then Reach will give you more credit for Campaign and other single player activities so that you can rank up at the same rate as people who can get credits from matchmaking. So the most an online user will get (even if they're not connected to XBL, they still have Silver or Gold membership) for a custom game is about 50-60 credits and hundreds or thousands for matchmaking. An offline user (one who ha never signed up for XBL) will get hundreds of credits for campaign or custom games because they have no access to matchmaking. As soon as an offline player signs up for Gold or Silver, the number of credits will be reduced to match other online players. But anyway, back to the problem. Restart your Xbox. Best thing to always try first. If that doesn't fix it, check your items in Memory