Every single stunt Randy Cambell has performed for the New Zealand TV show Back of the Y. Which is put to the Deja Voodoo song Randy Cambell.
Lol I've seen some of those stunts by Randy. They weren't all for Back of the Y though. Best NZ stuntman ever. He's my hero too. :happy:
New Zealander party thread! >.< I would love to do what Randy does for a living. Except actually earn some money lol.
=O How did he survive all those? Especially the cliff and building jumps.... D A M N Also that wound to the head was disgusting.
Hope you enjoy pain and lots of it. For the rest of your life. Even after you stop doing retarded stunts.
Yeah I'm used to it. Been skateboarding since I was 10 years old. I kind of enjoy it. Taking a huge slam, getting up and trying again until I land the trick or whatever.
Enjoy it now but wait till you hit late thirties. Every bone you've ever broken you will feel the joints near by tighten up on cold days and such. Stuff like skateboarding is all well and good but what kind of ****ing idiot jumps off a building? just as bad or not worse than those jack ass guys. Retards that never grew up past the mental age of five and still think shooting yourself in the arm with a nail gun is funny. People like them and the wastes of air they inspire are the reason for all the extra safety precautions governments put on everything. Look at American Gladiator the original and the new version. Even the Gladiators have to wear those retarded helmets now.