This is an issue.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bomb Champion, Nov 22, 2009.

  1. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    Well. I'm doing ****ing TERRIBLE in school, and for some reason I couldn't care less. I've never been a bad student before this year, and this year I'm failing 3/5 classes with C's in the other two. I don't know why, I just don't care this year. I recognize it's an issue, but I don't know what to do. Because I care enough to look into doing better, but I still don't really care. I won't be going to the same school next year for the rest of my high school career (sophomore-senior), but I still need to do well this year to get into that school. I'm not sure what to do, or even if I'll end up doing it. Help?
  2. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Honestly, you have to convince yourself that you really want to do better in school. It's difficult to do well in anything (school, jobs, sports, heck even video games) unless you actually want to. You need to realize that doing well in school can actually benefit you in the long run and that if you don't care about it now it will come back to bite you in the future. This is especially true once you get into college where you have to watch after yourself. Don't expect someone to throw you a bone, go out and work for it.
  3. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    i agree with ehand88, u need to really want it. i had the same problem u had. i was epicly failing in school. but then in the 3rd quarter i got a little better then in the 4th i got way better and i ended up passing. i was like in last stand, do or die beacuse it was 7th grade, really important and if i messed up, that was it. so just keep trying ur best and dont think for one second "o im getting a B now, i dont have to work hard anny more" or u WILL fail. any way keep trying and dont let up and im sure u will pass;)
  4. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    skuul is dum. go pley sum videyo gaymes.
  5. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    Even tougher for me because I'm a freshman in high school. Not doing well this year means worse over all GPA than the next year's GPA, that is, if my new school counts my old school's GPA.
  6. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    look at the thing u said and the way u said it..... no wonder u tink school iz dumb
    ps: i could go for some matchmaking right now..... :surprise:dst:
  7. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Exactly. I mean, look at me. I got straight A's through high school, was third in my class, and got multiple scholarships to a good school. Then, I got an xbox, stopped going to class, and dropped out. Now, I play games all day and things couldn't be better. Oh, wai-

    But, seriously, you have to find some way to motivate yourself to do well. It's almost impossible to succeed at anything without motivation.
    #7 ShaddoBlade, Nov 22, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2009
  8. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Take it from me. High school is ****ing easy. No...I know what you're saying "but my teacher this, my teacher that." If you show a shmidgin of effort in your algebra class or English class then you'll do well. Just two or three on-your-own practice problems is all I do to pass my Calc tests and I'm in college. It took me 3 hours to finish a five page rhetorical analysis on John F. Kennedy's seperation of church and state speech and I got an A-.

    School isn't difficult and if you think you'd rather not try then oh well. I know kids who got 18s on their ACT and still get to go to college (albeit crappy tech schools).

    I only got a 25 on my ACT and I got into the number 1 research school in Tennessee.
  9. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    From the sounds of it, you are going through the phase I went through my sophomore year in highschool. All my life I had gotten straight A's in school, trying my ass off due to parental motivation throughout elementary school, self-motivation and discipline the years in between. But for whatever reason, during my sophomore year, I didn't try, I didn't care, and yet I looked at my grades and wished they were better. But in the end, I did nothing about it. This year, however, I've been doing quite good in school, despite all my extracurricular activities.
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Let me tell you something I learned later that helped me a lot: high level colleges that I know of (I know for a fact U of Michigan does) take the unweighted average of your Sophmore and Senior year...that's your GPA. I'd recommend you don't fret about your GPA in Freshman year, but get used to actually working and it'll help you in your years that actually count. :)

    BTW - do well on the ACT. That helps too. <-- 29, 98 percentiles in english and science parts. 60 on the math haha..
  11. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    That is exactly how i feel but i got motivated wen my parensts wouldnt allow me to get MW2 because of my grades so set some goals see how that goes :)
  12. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    QFT. I barely do anything, and every time my parents meet with my school counselor, the main topic that's brought up is that I don't study or do homework. But I still have A's. Hell, I wrote a last-minute english paper, got a 92 on it, and watched the rest of the class get 1 C, 5 D's, and 22 F's. I have all A's, but do homework the class period it is due. I do good on most tests, but have never studied more than 30 minutes.
    I'm sorry, but the only reason you can fix this is by doing the bare minimum for your classes. Failing can only be accomplished by doing nothing.
  13. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    You must not get the point. I'm not complaining that I'm failing. I'm complaining that I can't get myself to care enough to not fail. I know I should care, like I should care that grandmother died last week, but I can't get myself to. That's the issue that needs to be tackled before I can tackle my work habits.
  14. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    It's the hardest decision in life.

    Choosing between the future and your xbox.
    I've chosen school lately, and seriously, there's such a noticeable difference.

    Just picture yourself dying alone in your parent's house 45 years from now.
    School, Work, Money, Solutions.

    As long as you get the grades to get to the next place you want to go in life.

    Also, try to plan out a route. Find what you enjoy,what you're good at and stick to it, airtight.

    I'm learning how to code and develop software, So I'm doing Maths, IT, Electronics and Physics A-levels, doing well at them too, also doing DofE award, and critical thinking as an enrichment.
    I've therefore looked at some university options, and found a course in Plymouth I really want to do. (Digital art and technology department). I may also do a programming course in Southampton in between.

    So, plan out a route, and as harsh as it is, you WILL have to sacrifice what you love doing most in your spare time.

    But it's very much downhill from there.
  15. FailusMunch

    FailusMunch Forerunner
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    I lol'd, school is not hard.
  16. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Well, where I am it is, A level physics (quantum) and Electronics coursework are pretty damn difficult.

    I know, school is different in different places, quite considerably, but you will do much better if you manage to overcome any distractions.
  17. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Leave ForgeHub till your grades increase.
  18. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    complacenecy is a cardinal sin.

    you need someone to **** you up so you get the message. (any form of ****ing up)
  19. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Maybe, you should take a personal day and just think about it.

    Because this is probably not what you want.
  20. Thejackle123

    Thejackle123 Ancient
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    I don't realy understand the details about what your on about, I'm in Uk and the systems different, but just get motivated think about what you need to become a game tester or somthing and just basically try a bit harder suprisingly 10 minuets could make a lot of difference.

    Now i realy should get that H/W done -xbox begins to hum under the table- ;)

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