Introduction This is actually my third post...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RC Master, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. RC Master

    RC Master Ancient
    Senior Member

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    But no matter, the introduction has finally arrived:

    My name, as you can see, is RC Master. I sometimes go by derivations of that, such as RCMaster, or Master RC around the 'net depending upon various forum restrictions etc.

    On XBL, I go by my Gamertag Ultimate RC (because RC Master was mysteriously unavailable :confused:).

    I've been gaming for nearly a decade now, beginning on the Nintendo 64, then moving onto the original Xbox with Halo, and am now gaming away on my beautiful Xbox 360.

    I enjoy shooters, racing, and the occasional RPG or strategy game, as well as long walks on the beach with gorgeous brunettes. :D

    I'm not really a big character in any significant community, but am one of the world record holding campaign speed runners in Halo 3's campaign. Head on over to High Speed Halo to see some of my 9 current records (with more to come). Tsavo Highway, Single Player on Legendary for one.

    But why am I here you ask? Well, because Forge is awesome. And I have been immensely impressed by the skill, creativity and attention to detail that the community here has demonstrated.

    Ultimately, I wish to be making my own perfect forge creations and showing them off to the wide community here.

    So, I stepped in on the ground floor: amateur forge map reviewer/critique spewer. Instead of keeping my comments bottled up, (or simply bouncing off the PC screen) I can now use my account here to make suggestions, ask forge-related questions, and generally gain some more theoretical knowledge of forging. Then eventually, practical feedback on my own creations.

    See you around!

    Btw: why do some of the smilies have... tails? :confused: --->:squirrel_chatting:
  2. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Because they are squirrels.. Creepy I know..
  3. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    welcome to the community... new members always welcomed... i came for the same reason u did nd within time became a part of the community, nd still getting familiar everyday! i hope to see ur maps and DL them... cya round!
  4. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Heh. I hate name restrictions too. the other dark. other dark. the_other_dark. other_dark. theotherdark. otherdark. And, then, it makes it so hard to remember which is for which site.
  5. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey dude, nice to see you've been playin the games for a while. I'll be lookin for you on the forums. Good luck here at forgehub and hope you have some fun here.

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