First of all, we named this map Third Floor Up because you spawn on the third floor of the buildings in Pit. You are constanly moving a little to make it a little more challenging to kill and live. Theres a little Jackal sniper target that moves back and fourth on both buildings and gives the map a personality. You can only see your enemys head/shoulders to make it ALOT harder to snipe on this map. You spawn behind walls so don't worry about getting spawn raped. And finally you can't get out of the building because of the invisible death barrier marked by a weapon holder on both bases. And you NEED now is the Team Snipers variant I made espically for this map, or else this map is pointless. You can download it here: Team Snipers: Pictures: Red Base [img width=800 height=450][/img] Blue Base [img width=800 height=450][/img] Building Exterior [img width=800 height=450][/img] Also if you have any comments please feel free to post, all comments and critisim are appreciated. ~Created by Oroboro and CapnCaveMan Download:
Re: Third Floor Up *A whole new sniper based map on The Pit* looks good of what I can see. I will download it tomorrow. I am on my iPod touch right now.
Re: Third Floor Up *A whole new sniper based map on The Pit* How unimaginative. Also, I don't really think this deserves to be a competitive map. Maybe Casual.
Re: Third Floor Up *A whole new sniper based map on The Pit* thanks? i just thought it was a good idea to make this map since no1 else has,everyone i play with says its fun,sure,maybe it is unimaginative, but theres really nothing to do to it,and it was perfect the way it is
Re: Third Floor Up *A whole new sniper based map on The Pit* That's pretty harsh dude, a map doesn't have to be original to be good.
I wouldn't say it's unimaginative. It's a simple idea, and sometimes, simplicity is great. That said, what about lasers on this map? Or rockets? Or a mixture? For me, I would think the all snipers, all the time, from the same location aspect would get boring. Though, I can see it being good for sniper training, and considering the map, I'd say that is appropriate. Another idea: Is there a way you could make other rooms that lock players in and force them to snipe from them? Specifically, what about the sword hallways? What about the rocket spawn hallway. You could block it off somehow so theres a barrier low and high with a space between them to shoot from. You should certainly have the budget at this point to do something like that, and they could act as cool neutral rooms. I would leave it up to your discretion whether you'd want to incorporate teleporters or if you'd want players to randomly spawn there.
I have to say I agree totally with Madman.. Just seems a bit bland right now though I like that you are trying to make the usually inaccessible 3rd floor a board in its own.. I like the idea of rockets, Lasers, maybe even Fuel Rod cannons or those umm.. Sentinal Beam thingys.. Anyways, looking forward to see'n what more you could add to this to give it that little something.
I am sorry but this really isn't what most would consider to be a map. Nothing was really created, and after playing this map ten times the concept would have gotten old. In this map you only have two options, strafe or shoot. - Brute Captain
yeah me and my friend rushed on this map b/c it was the first map up there and we thought id be sweet but yeah thats a really great idea madman i think ill talk to my friend about adding all those sweet features in to make it better,thanks for all the criticism guys any more advice?
Also.. I dont know if you know this or not, but its possible to get to the balcony type area right outside of both ends of the camo hallway. Perhaps you could incorporate those somehow, say have each team be able to teleport to the balcony on the other side of the map. Almost sounds like a crazy game of CTF if you were to deplete shields a little bit or something to limit the ease of popping through a teleporter and snatching the flag real quick. Juz a thought I figured I'd throw out there.
dude these are all sweet ideas,i think im going to work on a compelete revamp of this with the similar idea. if anyone wants to help me out just add me on Oroboro
This is most certainly not the first map up there. xZodia's Close Encounter mini map was here way before yours. I can't help but feel that your maps are very similar to premade maps.
how are they in any way similar? i created most of my maps before other peoples ideas,except this one,but even then its a whole different concept,we just found out how to get up there too late.