As most people should know three map are being realesed early by Bungie. Orbital and Esembly are two of the three but the third one hasn't been chosen yet. Or has it. I was looking at Halopedia I think and found the third map... was... Sandbox!!! As you may of herd Sandbox is suppose to be the new, outdoors foundry that is bigger and has some really cool features (It has been rumered that you can change day night time and other stuff). If anybody can comfirm this is not a rumor please responed.
cool to know. btw do u know when they come out if they come out eraly febuary that sucks for me I dont have my xbox back till mid febuary(it broke). Idk where i heard this but someone said there was going to be a terrain editor too...
I heared and saw something about a terain editor to. The 3 maps will be DLable for a few hundred micro points but also they come with Legendary Halo Wars edition.
OH THE SPELLCHECK! THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT GAMEFAQS! MY EYES! That small fact aside, I do remeber hearing them "hint" sandbox will be the third, but it is not confirmed. And honestly bungie already stated there will be no terrain editor, as it would take about half a year to a year extra to create the game. They wouldn't bother with the extra time I would think that releasing sandbox early would be a bad marketing choice, unless it's smaller than the other 3 maps. People could just recreate the geometry of the map with sandbox, making the other maps required purely for aesthetic purposes. Although, if it were released, that could mean that the other maps are HUGE! Or at least one of them.
Whisper is correct. Yes it is. Use Firefox people, it has a built in spell check for every text field that you type on the internet.
Yes, very old news. Wasn't this confirmed when we were told Halo Wars LE would ship with 3 Halo 3 maps?
Why is every word missspelled almost purposefully in the first few posts? Is this a joke or something?
tihs trhaed is eipc wni. But seriously guys, old news is old. We must be on a canal boat, because I can see a lock ahead.
Esembly? If you are over the age of 11 that's just disgraceful. Also, there has been no confirmation of Sandbox even being a Better Foundry. Bungie should release something very soon. Last weeks weekly update said that they are showing some really good things this Friday. I hope it's going to be this week that we see the long awaited Sandbox...