Because im asking the forging community their opinion.. i'm not trying to take any members away from FH. like i said earlier i just want to give the forging or gaming community another place to share ideas and connect. most members of FH are members of almost every other site out there, and they're active on them all from what i've seen. I would make mine unique in ways though as others have stated i should. Still planning things out.
*sighs*Thank god last thing we need is facebook finding out we exist. I don't think there needs to be another forge website there like a dozen already.
Sorry for double posting but i'm letting yall know now, i'm 95% sure i'm going to make the site.. so wish me luck and remember, it's not competing against any other sites.. merely adding another place for the forging community to share ideas and talk amongs eachother. i'll also be active on FH still.
HA! Don't mind me saying this but that's not smart nor helping anyone out. Forgehub has too many member to really focus and help people and to even get noticed.. I think making a new website is a great idea. Smaller communities have people who tend to be a lot more close with eachother, help A LOT more and if you are good at something you are easily recognized. Unlike ones with overly huge communities. Though I do think that it may be smarter to join another smaller community and make yourself at home there and help people out, then you will be recognized for your work. but really its up to you. Good luck.
If you have that attitude, why are you even posting here? This guy clearly wants to start his own site, but he also seems to not just be motivated by a dislike of FH which has so often been the case. Sure smaller sites have tighter nit communities, it's cause they're smaller and its easier for everyone to know each other at least somewhat. But bigger sites inevitably have the largest and most diverse content selection and often the most comprehensive information and instruction. Each has its pro's, each has its con's. This thread seems to have good intent and has been pretty admirable thus far considering it's talking about another Forge site, please don't ruin it with random criticism of FH in general, whilst debasing your own assertions with the laughable irony of criticising a site whilst browsing and posting on it. @OT: I wish you the best of luck with your site. I know for one thing that messing around with forums and the like is a lot of fun, and it sounds like you have that end of things well covered. You of course know that you've got some serious sites already established in your chosen field, but (as Blaze somewhat touched upon in his otherwise inflammatory post) there are always those who will prefer a smaller community. If you do grow it will be through time, a lot of effort, and a lot of luck, but that's just the way. I've already got too many other forging sites that I'm registered with and don't visit, so I can't put myself down as someone who'd be on board, but the internet's big, and if you make a welcoming and easy to use site you'll find people who like it enough to call it home, or rather they'll find you. Don't be afraid to do things your own way, in fact it's by far the best way forward. FH does things it's own way to suit it's developed userbase and situation at any given time, don't be afraid to run things differently as you want them. All too often, a simple clone of FH, or any large site, simply ends up putting people off by simply being the same site but with barely any content or users, the main draw to those big sites in the first place. Think up exactly how you want to layout the forums and functionality of the site and go with it, if you don't make it your own then people will never see you as anything but a second class site.
Thanks for the advice and yep, i don't dislike FH as a matter of fact, FH is a great inspiration, i'll always be a member of FH until the day it's run is over which hopefully won't be anytime soon i'll post about my site's status in my blog to keep yall updated but i'll always be here too so just PM me if your ever curious i suppose EDIT: i know some of you may see my site as competition but that's not what it's intended to be im not competing against forge hub So i ask you, where can i get a cheap host and domain name?
Put an 18+ thing, that will get you people, then when you have enough remove it and transform it into a forging themed website. Or you could include all games that have their own forging or map editing. Have forums for each one... Put ranks, rep (I liked rep) and other **** that forgehub has/had.
i think a halo 3 machinma fansite would be cool. let users submit their own videos. let people creat groups that make mahcinmas keep tabs on all the popualr machinmas like Red vs Blue and digital pheer stuff have other forums for other ares in halo like screenshots map submissions, clans etc
Who said I dislike forgehub? I'm pretty sure I said that this site can't give you 1 on 1 help and it's hard to get recognized. I think you should calm down and stop twisting my words. You stated what I said but then took it out of meaning as well. Forgehub = good maps and varieties (you will end up getting a lot more fedback but you can barely find someone to help you out besides telling you to fix it) smaller communities = great people who are more easy to get close to, easier to find help besides tutorials and All in all help out just as good as forgehub can though you don't get as much feedback. that's the way I look at it. Edit: and usually at other website you don't get the random people that twist your works and criticize you when they don't know what they are talking about. So ya I say find people that aren't like that and start a small community and you will grow and it will be great I'm sure.
I'm gonna break this down for you. Sure you never said, in those exact words, "I dislike Forge Hub". But you made pretty harsh comments that left little room for positive intention in your post: Not true, inflammatory, and clearly expressing a dislike of Forge Hub. What I was generally getting at was your disparaging tone, your big fat "Ha!" at Raynne's suggestion of sticking with FH, which kinda implies that you think sticking with FH is worthless, and the fact that the only mention you made of FH was negative and overly harsh. Even if you weren't directly saying 'leave FH it sucks", you were bringing the tone of the discussion down from admirable to kinda bitter. Now that I agree wholeheartedly with, pretty in keeping with what I said. But take a look at your first post, and see whether that's the message it gives. Not to me, all you address is possible negatives of FH, not to mention your disparaging tone. You might want to look at how your own posts come across before accusing others of twisting your words. Very snide, nice try dude, your rhetoric is weak at best.
There are already many forging sites. Why make a new one? It will impossible to compete with ForgeHub, Xforgery, ForgeBattle, etc. If you are interested in creating your own group, try doing it on If you absolutely must make a site, my tip is to make it easy to use.