Things that Annoy You in Halo 3 Matchmaking

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EpicFishFingers, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    but i don't wanna be american, no offense
  2. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Recently having left a game of Team Slayer in matchmaking, I know exactly what things annoy me:
    • Crappy teammates
    • Crappy teammates who stay with you through the entire game
    • HLG noobs
    • People who use lag switches
    • When my plasma grenade sticks a guy and blows up 10 feet away from him
    • When an enemy steals my kill and then kills me
    • My teammate jumps out in front of me, I betray him, and he boots me
    • I carry the team
    • My team loses
    • I am 1 kill away from a perfection on Sandbox going for the achievement, and my teammates steal 5 of my kills and we win the game
    • Right before I die, I fire a rocket at the enemy and it doesn't blow up
    • The enemy kills me through a wall (This isn't Call of Duty for christ sake!)
    • My head shot doesn't register
    • My shot doesn't register
    • I get spawn killed constantly
    • The enemy won't die no matter how many times I shoot them
    • My 4-shot battle rifle turns into a 10-shot battle rifle
    • The enemy team spawns directly behind me
    • Stupid kids singing
    • Stupid adults blurting out random swear words
    • Everytime I get the odd ball I die (I swear that odd ball is all about luck and not skill)
    • My teammate betrays me just to get my weapon
    • My teammate betrays me just to get my vehicle
    • My teammate betrays me just because he can
    • The person driving the warthog is a craptacular driver
    • The person driving the warthog is drunk
    • The person driving the warthog is high
    • The person driving the warthog is on the enemy team
    • My ghost doesn't splatter anybody that I run into
    • People who aren't playing
    • My teammate who got 1 kill and 15 deaths
    • Assembly, Cold Storage, Construct, Epitaph, High Ground, Isolation, Last Resort, Narrows, Snowbound, Standoff, and Valhalla
  3. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Holy hell Conkerkid! Time to pick up CoD 4!

    I got a good one: As soon as you get a killing spree, you die. This has happened to me so many times recently. The rocket launcher guy shows up just in time for the killjoy...
  4. g35cpe

    g35cpe Ancient
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    Getting booted for a betrayal that was complete accident.
  5. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    - Quitters.
    - Lack of maturity/intelligence.

    It's not that hard to just play the game and enjoy it, but players have to quit and act like jerks.
  6. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    > Getting pumped so full of needles that I are asplode
    > Playing against/with kids that think they're MLG
    > Getting teamed up with randoms that go negative
    > The AR
    > Campers (Even if I do it too, occasionally... but shhh)

    CO0LBEANS Ancient
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    When people play serious in social
    When someone steals my warthog
    When I get betrayed but it counts as the other team's kill
  8. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Ok personaly, I see nothing wrong with brigidierd and generals, but that might just be because I have a brigidier and a general,lol. But i really hate it when your teammates shoot you and get your shields down and then the other team kills you
  9. SpeedDemon

    SpeedDemon Ancient
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    I get really annoyed with my connection problems
    every time I'm having a bad streak, i get like a 3 game winning streak, the lose connection for 5 games and my number goes down like 5-6 notches
    In two games i went from 38-41, then had a horrible connection since then and can't get over 38 because when i do net dies and i get kicked out!!!!
    and i get bad rep for it too!!! :mad:

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