Things that Annoy You in Halo 3 Matchmaking

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EpicFishFingers, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Guilty. :/
  2. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Flag juggling is useful SOMETIMES. IMO, most of the time, stealth>speed.

    My list:
    -People who refer to players as "garbage"
    -People who refer to players as "scrubs"
    -Teammates that drive off in the warthog ALONE
    -The whole betrayal booting system. I mean, I get blatantly betrayed twice and get no option, but when my teammate moves his face in front of my sniper when I pull the trigger, I get booted?
    -Not starting with BR's, especially on Standoff. I long for a Team BR's playlist. I like radar and non-MLG weapons, but I like starting with a BR as well.
    -When you start with a BR, but someone still uses the AR to shoot you in the stomach enough to kill you before you can get 4 BR shots off.
    -And of course: lag
  3. lunatic

    lunatic Ancient
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    Honestly...Kids like myself.

    -Getting everyone in the warthog and then flooring it off a cliff
    -Getting the flag and standing 2 feet infront of the scoring zone without moving.
    -Blasting music and dancing while everyone else is in battle
    -WAITING till your teammate charges up their lazer just to run infront of it so you can boot them.
    -Dashing infront of your teams warthogs to piss them off.
    -Waiting till your teammate zooms in on the scope just to shoot him once so he can't aim.
    -Naming callouts that don't exist (It really gets the MLG players)
    -Getting people to film me as I attempt to interview my teammates and completely ruin the game

    Good times, good times.....
  4. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    As of right now, the major thing that annoys me is Mr. Lone Warthog Man.
    Facility B5D made a good video about these players.
    They take the warthog, one of the most strategical advantages (if used correctly) and drive off without a gunner in search of a power weapon or even another vehicle. This has to be the most dumbest thing anybody could do.
  5. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    I hate you! :p
  6. RedHaZard

    RedHaZard Ancient
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    -People geting in a warthog and driving it into the wall till u get of the turret so there friend can get on it.
    -Me splattering some one seeing them die then see them bounce through the air and not even lose there shield.
    -People trash talking if u lose or win
    genrelly people trash talking.
    -People raping like **** through a whole match..
    -People that just give up and stop playing
    -And americans who trash talk to u gos ur from australia and thay get lag and some times for no reason
  7. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Ooh ooh ooh

    On stand off people so desperate to be cheap they throw one of the main strategic advantages out the window,the warthog by parking it on the flag.
    Nice one guys :D
  8. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Things i hate:
    -When people quit out just because there losing
    -When people use the word "******", shouting it through their mic
    -When people start searching then leave their xbox, making you paired up with a guy that isnt playing, its really annoying in MLG multi Flag, because most of the time your going to lose
  9. Dreaver

    Dreaver Ancient
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    - Elite's in SWAT. Seriously
    - People who don't use a mic (Ranked).
    - People betraying / afking (especially ranked).
    - 12 years olds thinking they are good.
    - Shots that don't register.
  10. lunatic

    lunatic Ancient
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    People in party chats when it's a ranked team game.

    You all know you do it. Don't deny it.
  11. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Plus boosters. 1 out of every 4 games we get a booster, which ruins capture the flag, my favorite gametype in MLG. Seriously, what do they do after they get a fifty? Go brag to their ****** assed 6 year old friends? If you boost, you suck at the game. Everyone knows it. For those that boost for money, do your parents know what you're doing? I bet they don't, and would be apalled to know that you are taking children's money to cheat at a game for them.
  12. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    1. When your whole team quits and you're versing 4-6 people
    2. when you verse those 4-6 people on your own and they get 5 more kills then you... 5!
    3. after you verse those 4-6 people and they send you a message saying you suck when you got 17 kills and all they got was 22... and there's 6 of them... 6!!!!
    4. When you punch a dude in the back 15 times, shoot him for 5 mins, stick him 7 times and blow him up with rockets and then you teleport back to here you were 10 mins ago and you get assassinated.
    5. When those nine year olds (english mostly) tell you that you suck when they haven't got a single kill in 12 mins

    well that's my top 5
  13. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    omg i hate it SOO much when people message me in matchmaking!!! And it's always someone important where I have to reply! And it ALWAYS has to be when I have a sniper rifle or something really good!

  14. FrankFries

    FrankFries Ancient
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    Those matchmaking A-holes sending repetitive messages saying random vulgar words in hopes of letting me know I`m inferior...It aint workin`.
  15. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Basically everything.

    If I hafta narrow it down.

    -People who are Racist to British people.
    -People who take everythign too seriously.
    -People who think I only play as an Elite in SWAT.
    -People who complain about Elites in SWAT. It's balanced people, they ar FAR easier to hit from the side.
  16. FrankFries

    FrankFries Ancient
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    -People who quit out in MLG when you're losing
    -People who think they can hack accounts
    -People who think being an Elite in SWAT helps
    -People who don't use mics in MLG or any ranked playlist
    -People who challenge you to 1v1's because they just lost
    -People who send you messages saying "Get ur 50 scrub" when you just won 15-2 before the other team quits
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Exactly, I hate this too. It happened to me the other day, was playing as a guest at my mates house, and I get dumped on the other team from him. We go down by 8 points, and all my teammates quit out. I'm left fighting 5 opponents (it was a social slayer game), and one of them is my friend who can look at my screen and see exactly where I am all the time. I managed to pull the game level at 36-36 with about 10 seconds to go, then he just ducks round a corner and kills me to nab the win, damn gutting.

    Everyone hates lag, you'd cry if you had to play on my connection all the time dude, trust me.

    The worst is when your in a map like Snowbound or Sandbox, one with a perimeter defense, and the damn game keeps lagging you further and further outside the perimeter whilst you're desperately (but uselessly) trying to run back inside and not die. Then the guns turn on you, and it all goes bad.

    Hmm, if you say so. I must say that the vast majority of other brits I run into in MM are about 14 at least, or have incredibly deep voices for small children. British people can be really annoying at times, too many of my countrymen seem to have an underdog complex at Halo and get really rude and knee-jerk as a result. But trust me dude, the majority of my pain from the small children of Halo comes from the good ol' US, and sometimes France funnily enough.
  18. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    The only thing that I REALLY hate about Halo 3 is the lag. More specifically when I lag and the guy who got the most kills in the game says I should "just quit". But then I patronize him for putting "iTz" "MLG" and "BR" in his gamertag.

    People who voice their religious/ political beliefs or are homophobic or racist piss me off too. In the words of Froman (i think) Just be good people!!!

    Also I have to disagree with you about the whole SWAT Spartan/ Elite balance. If they are facing sideways they are easy to kill, whether they be elite or spartan. But facing each other? That is when the real pressure of "can i hit his head" kicks in.
  19. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    My major one would be that you have to load up the map, and then you have a choice to veto. You should be asked either before or during.
  20. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    -Getting killed through walls (yup!)
    -Getting 3-shotted(yup!)
    - interlocking your ghost with a person without killing that guy.(yup!)
    -you do not respawn on your screen, and get killed all the time.
    -being assassinated by a person standing right in front of you.

    This was about my connection. now:

    you having 27 kills 3 deaths, your team sucks, your team has 1 kill 20 deaths average, your team loses the game, YOU rank down.

    having a team that does not think tactical

    people not dying by Spartan Laser (only no-shield)


    people who call me a **** just because I am German

    singing people on your team

    Team Rockets

    Team Duals

    people vetoing Rocket Race

    people saying "Flag is for noooobs!!!2!!!

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