
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Tedium, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    YouTube - Halo Reach Forge Map: Theta

    Hello everyone!

    Joke included upon request (sorta):

    Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
    A: Because he couldn't think of any good jokes.

    But enough of the jokes; Let's get down to business. Theta is a symmetrical competitive map built ideally for 2v2 games. It supports team gametypes as well, and works quite nicely with large Free For All matches.

    DMR x2
    Plasma Pistol x1
    Needler x2; 45s respawn time
    Rocket Launcher x2; No spare clips; 120s respawn time; Do not place at start
    Energy Sword x1; Team games only; 150s respawn time

    Frag Grenades x4
    Plasma Grenades x4/x8 (Free For All/Team games respectively)​


    Just to help visualize the entirety of Theta, here is a useful little map for you to have a gander at:




    The Red team's start area. Remember, that Rocket Launcher doesn't spawn until two minutes into the game.

    The Blue team's start area nestled just off the edge of a cliff.

    This is the facility's main entrance located outside the blue team's base.

    This is just as you enter the facility. The bedrock surrounding the map is closer to an intrusive plant than a mass of immovable stone.​


    "Okay, that's all well and good, but what makes it different from the thousands of other maps out there?"

    Well this is my little contribution to all the little gags out there:

    -Unique weapon and grenade holders
    -A vast, purely aesthetic cavernous area.
    -A seamless layer of rock surrounding all possible exits of the map, along with a moodier overtone which all adds to the illusion of being underground.
    -A radioactive centerpiece which was once used to test primitive forms of nuclear fusion.

    -Supports local split-screen games with absolutely no lag.
    -There are two underground-tube-transport-thing-systems! (UTTTS)

    Okay, so when you see the UNSC sign you know you're in the right place. Drop down into that little hole there and let gravity do the rest.

    You shoot along this UTTT

    And pop out here! These things make for some great escape and chase situations.​

    Thanks goes out to all who helped me test the map in its most early stages, and also to the guys who gave feedback on the preview, (especially pyro6666)! I hope that this map is as enjoyable for you to play on as it was for me to build and test it! Thank you again for looking through this, and don't forget:

    #1 Tedium, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
  2. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    Wow, this is really nice just to look at haha. I saw the little frag grenade props and just stared at them trying to figure out what they were... Oh well, just one more reason for me to download this map.

    I can't wait to try the gravity chute, most of the time those things have little glitches that cause you to come out crooked and whatnot but from the video this one looks foolproof.

    EDIT: I was scrolling through the pictures again (couldn't help myself) and it looks like there are 2 UTTTS's? From the description I had originally assumed there was only one

    I especially like how the ground shows signs of impact around the base of the rock columns, that was a really nice touch. In fact, the whole map looks spectacular in terms of the amount of detail you put in.

    The pictures don't seem to show it as well as the video, but I enjoy the large vertical variety that this map entails. The small ramps offset the floor enough to give battles a nice flavour different from the standard flat-ground strafing wars. It also shows that ramps do not have to be purely functional, every slope clearly shows the care that the creator took in choosing the piece to use and the positioning to make it smooth.

    Also, while I watched the video, I felt my eyes were continuously drawn to the ceiling of the map. The architecture is absolutely fantastic all throughout the map, not just the high-traffic areas. It takes a great deal of effort to refine all facets of a map, and it is my honest opinion that you have put in more than the required effort to make this a gorgeous work of art.

    As for the weapon selection, I cannot say too much without having played it yet but I will say that I like the choices so far. In a 2v2 match, the 2 rocket launchers may seem a bit overpowered but seeing as the map is not very confined (every hallway looks as if it allows players enough room to evade a rocket's kill radius) they may prove to be balanced. I approve of the choice of a plasma pistol, I think that the weapon is largely overlooked in larger maps with larger teams, but in the case of a 2v2, players must make use of every tool in their arsenal. The DMRs pretty much speak for themselves, the map has a decent number of long lines of sight to offer thus I believe they will prove to be a good investment for any team.

    You mentioned that it was built for 2v2, but it seems to me as if it's big enough to house enough players for a healthy 4v4. This is just my opinion from the pictures though so I'll have to check it out once I download it. (Nevermind this, I only now noticed the "Max Players: 08" part, silly me)

    EDIT: This map is also responsible for yanking me out of the forum-lurking-funk that I've been in since Reach came out.
    #2 Jebus1001, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011
  3. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    Wow man, I really appreciate all that feedback and it was great to hear your thoughts on it. Thanks for pointing out the fact that it might not have been clear that there are two UTTTS in the map, so I've made that a little more clear. Thanks again for checking it out!
  4. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    Ok so I downloaded it and ran around it this morning for a bit and I must say that it is just as awesome in person as the pictures make it out to be.

    Here are some things that I found noteworthy during my playthrough: the "vast, purely aesthetic cavernous area" is exactly that, meaning my excitement got the better of me and I leaped in only to discover what "purely aesthetic" really meant; the "radioactive centrepiece" is also equally beautiful and deadly (I'm sorry if I'm giving away some of the map secrets); and finally, the wall-mounted grenades make for excellent traps assuming your aim and timing with the DMR is flawless.

    For the sake of being thorough:

    RED: A small simple hiding place, decent cover provided. Problem: This isn't replicated on the other side of the map, well it is but it is much more difficult to use since the ledge is smaller and it is behind a soft kill boundary. I don't know if the spot was intentional or not but I think it would be nice to have it (or get rid of it) on both sides.

    YELLOW: These little cliffs deceived me... I saw them and thought to myself "Oh, that would be a nice little juke spot" but unfortunately they are behind a hard kill boundary. This definitely isn't a big deal, it was more my curiousity that got me killed and that sort of thing probably won't effect gameplay at all.

    ALSO PICTURED: My dead body after discovering the meaning of "purely aesthetic."

    Overall the map was definitely one of my favourite from recent times, nice work Tediums *****
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I really like how you widened the main entrance and placed the rocks on the rocks out there, bringing it into the rest of the map.

    Somehow I managed not to do that.
  6. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    Okay, I've made a few tiny changes here and there, so the updated version is up now.
  7. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok, so the map is all fine and well. Great actually. Great aesthetics, good use of death pits, great gameplay and whatnot. But in your thread you have some pointless and untrue statements.

    "But enough of the jokes;" - I don't understand what your talking about

    "an asymmetrical map" - Untrue.

    And probably more. I'm just not understanding it at all, lo. Maybe it's just me. @.@

    Also, I had an, as you phrased it, "UTTTS" in one of my earlier maps. The thread is now long lost and has no pictures anymore, as I had to delete them for room for my newer maps and whatnot, but it did have one. Lol, just though I'd point that out.
  8. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    It may be symmetrical in a way, but not it the way I see it. When I think symmetry, I think that the line of symmetry is the the line which devides the red and blue territory. I never considered a vertical line of symmetry, but I guess it doesn't matter too much.

    I'm sure the concept of a UTTTS has been thought of, done and probably even overdone before. Still, I just thought I'd mention mine if anyone had never seen the concept used before.

    As for the "jokes", don't worry about it. It was kind of an obscure reference to the unnecessary comments which are usually found at the beginning of a map's thread. That's mostly just my weak sense of humor though :D
    #8 Tedium, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2011

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